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Date Posted: 16:18:59 06/23/14 Mon
Author: Lace
Subject: Living out fate Chapter 14

Harm and Mac's house
Three weeks later

Mac finished feeding her little angel and put her into the cradle so that she could take her nap. Mac smiled as she stroked Emily's baby soft hair. These moments were precious. Mac had taken the day off to be with her baby, and to meet her mother. They had invited Uncle Matt and Mac's mother to dinner that night, but Mac had wanted to speak to her mother alone before she introduced her to her family. Mac didn't know what to expect since the last time she saw her mother she had been overweight and didn't at all look good.

The doorbell rang as she was about to sit down with her coffee. Ten minutes early, Mac thought as she walked to the front door. She took a deep breath and opened the door. To her surprise the woman in front of her looked more like the image she had of her mother before she had left Mac and her father when Mac was fifteen. She had lost a ton of weight, wore a little makeup and her hair looked like it had been taken care of by a hairdresser. She was dressed casually in a skirt and blouse, her face looked hesitant and Mac detected some nervousness in her attitude.

“You don't grow older, just more beautiful,” Deanne said with a shaky voice.

Mac stepped aside. “Please come in.”

“You have a lovely home, Sarah,” Deanne said as she looked around.

“Thank you,” Mac made a move to walk further into the house. “I was just about to sit down with my coffee. Do you want coffee? Or tea maybe?”

Deanne smiled as she followed her daughter. “Coffee is fine. Please don't go to any trouble, honey.”

Mac was surprised by the way Deanne had said honey. It was just like when she was a kid and she had a flashback. “It's no trouble, Mom.” Mac walked over to the cradle. “This is Emily.”

Deanne looked at the little girl who was sound asleep. “She looks so much like you, Sarah.” Deanne wiped away a tear. “I'm sorry, I just never thought I'd get to meet my grandchild.”

“I would never keep you away from her, Mom. I don't hate you, you know,” Mac said, surprised by her own words. It was true though, she didn't hate her parent's, not anymore.”

Mac asked Deanne to sit down and went to get her some coffee. She handed the mug over to her mother and sat down herself.

“I'm sorry I didn't stay in touch after we met the last time. I wanted to let you decide what our relationship should be, and I was a little ashamed by my appearance,” Deanne sipped her coffee.

“I don't know why I didn't stay in touch, Mom. I guess I wasn't ready,” Mac said and hesitated. “Where have you been?”

Deanne chuckled a little. “It's a long story actually. I met a woman on a buss to Denver. I was going to meet a childhood friend there. I jumped off the buss outside Denver with this woman and I joined her church. It was creepy the way she saw right through me and told me what I needed. I lived with her for a year while I sorted through all my chaos, then I got an apartment and a job through the church. During the year I lost weight too, making me able to move around like a normal person. I've stayed there ever since.”

“You look great, Mom,” Mac said with a sweet smile.

Deanne held out a shoebox. On top of the shoebox was a book. Mac took it and looked questioningly at her mother.

“That's a diary I've kept since I joined the church. I want you to read it. I don't want to use my past as an excuse for being a horrible mother, but at least it could explain some things. The box is full of pictures from when you were young. I took it with me when I left to have memories, and I want you to have them,” Deanne said.

“Are you sure?” Mac opened the box carefully. “Wow, look at that.” She held up a picture of herself as a baby. “Emily really do look like me.”

“You were a pretty baby. Everyone thought so,” Deanne said proudly.

They talked for a while more, then Emily woke up and Dianne got to hold her for a while. Deanne excused herself when Emily started fussing to let Mac feed her. Mac had a good feeling about seeing her mother again and were looking forward to introducing her to the rest of her family later when she came to dinner.

Later that night
Mac and Harm's house

It was getting late and Matt and Deanne had just excused themselves. Deanne were traveling back to Denver the next morning and Mac had promised to send many baby photos. Deanne had promised to visit them again soon, and before she left she took her daughter's hand in hers and smiled.

“You have an amazing life, honey. I'm so proud of you for all your accomplishments. I have a album full of articles where you are mentioned. You made something of yourself despite my own and your father's screw ups, and I'm so happy for you.”

Mac hugged her mother. “Thank you.”

Uncle Matt kissed Mac's cheek. “See you tomorrow.”

Mac closed the door behind them and walked back to the living room. Mattie walked over to her. “I have home work and then I'm going to bed early. Big test tomorrow.”

Mac smiled and hugged her. “Good night.”

After saying good night Mattie walked to her room. Mac headed for the kitchen where Harm was busy cleaning up after dinner while Emily was in her bouncer following his every move.

“Need some help?” Mac asked.

Harm smiled. “Nope, almost done. Let's give Emily her bath and put her to bed.”

Mac smiled and reached for her baby girl. “Do you want to take a bath baby?”

Harm followed them upstairs. “Are you glad you met you Mom?”

Mac nodded as she removed Emily's clothes. “I really am.””

Harm finished arranging the bath. “She seems nice.”

Mac handed him the baby and smiled when he started talking to Emily in a cute voice. “What?” he questioned.

“Fatherhood really softened you up, you know,” Mac said lovingly.

Harm put Emily in the water and held her steady while he started washing her. “Not bad for an old sailor, huh?”

“You're not that old,” Mac said as she put her hand on his back while she watched him with the baby.

“Maybe we should make another one of these?” Harm said with a sweet smile on his face.

Mac wasn't sure if he was serious so she just let out a snort and said; “Yeah right.”

“We could get lucky twice,” Harm said as he lifted Emily up. “Towel.”

Mac found the towel and wrapped it around the baby. “You know, despite the bed rest and complications and worrying I would do it again.”

“We're not doing anything to prevent a pregnancy, so it could happen,” Harm teased as he put on a diaper and pajama. “Now it's time for bed, Sweetpea.”

Mac took the baby from him. “First it's feeding time.” She walked out of the bathroom and got comfortable on the bed, then she started feeding Emily.

Harm bent down and kissed Mac's cheek. “I want to go over some notes for tomorrow. See you downstairs in a little while.”

Thirty minutes later Harm entered the living room and found Mac watching the news. He sat down beside her and pulled her close.

“Maybe we should talk to the Doctor about getting some help to increase the chances of conceiving,” Mac said.

“You really want to do it?” Harm asked with surprise.

Mac turned to look at him. “Were you just joking earliere?

“No, but I thought you would have some objections considering the treatment and then the risky pregnancy,” Harm kissed Mac sweetly. “Maybe we shouldn't tempt fate, huh? What if we get pregnant and something happens to the baby? Or you? I wouldn't handle it if something happened to you.”

Mac nodded. “Maybe we'll just see what happens without any help?”

Harm smiled. “I think that's an excellent idea. And even though we won't have any more babies, I'm happy with what we have. I love you.”

“I love you too,” Mac said and kissed him deeply. “Maybe we should go to bed early?”

Harm let his hand run through her hair. “I think that's an excellent idea.”

To be continued.

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[> Glad Deannes' visit was a positive one for Mac, very nice chapter Lace.. -- JoyZ, 22:42:17 06/23/14 Mon [1]

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[> Happy chapter. Glad her mother's visit was good. Can't wait for more This just gets better with each chapter. -- Beth, 07:17:57 06/24/14 Tue [1]

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[> another great chapter Lace -- Bev uk, 14:40:18 06/24/14 Tue [1]

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[> Wonderful reunion with Deanna. So happy for Mac. Would love to see that Emily and hold her. Good thing that won't happen....... -- carramor, 20:13:09 06/24/14 Tue [1]

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