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Date Posted: 06:39:09 06/22/14 Sun
Author: Lace
Subject: Living out fate Chapter 13

The characters aren't mine. Mistakes are.

Chapter 13

Mattie's school
October 5th

Mac got out of the car and started looking around for Mattie. Mac had left JLS early that day to take Mattie to the hairdresser. They had decided on it last week when Mac had been complaining that her hair was a nightmare, and Mattie had suggested that they made an appointment together.

After looking around for a little while Mac saw Mattie sitting by herself on the steps leading up to the front doors of Mattie's school. Mac walked over and saw that Mattie looked sad.

“Hi,” she said as she walked up to the young girl. “What's going on?”

Matte shrugged. “Nick and I broke up.”

Mac sat down beside Mattie and put her arm around her shoulder. “I'm so sorry, Mattie. What happened?”

“It's been brewing for a while now, and finally we both sat down and agreed that maybe we should just be friends,” Mattie said with a shrug. “It's fine really.”

“It's okay to be sad,” Mac said as she pulled Mattie in for a hug. “But you're young and there's plenty of fish in the sea.”

Mattie nodded. “I know, but I think I'll take a break in the fishing for a while.”

“How about we go out for ice cream after we've finished at the hairdresser?” Mac suggested.

“Are you sure? Don't you have to get back to Emily?” Mattie wondered as she stood.

“There's milk in the fridge and she's finally drinking from the bottle without crying for an hour first,” Mac reassured.

“Harm's been a little stressed about that,” Mattie said with a small laughter.

“It's been two weeks of hell for all of us,” Mac said as they entered the car.

Mac had been back to work for two weeks now and it had been a though transition for everyone. Mac had been a wreck the first day she had to leave her daughter and go to work. Emily had refused to drink from the bottle at first and Harm was upset because he didn't think he had what it took to take care of his own daughter. During the first week both Harm and Mac were tired and grumpy, which had led to a fight. Mac struggled to pump enough milk and the stress didn't help the situation. Then during the second week Emily started sleeping better and finally stopped crying when she was fed with a bottle instead of her mother's breast. Mac got the hang of the pumping, and she wasn't as stressed about leaving her daughter.

That night
Harm and Mac's house

Mac kissed her daughter one last time and headed for the living room where Harm was relaxing on the couch. Mac felt bad because she had been so focused on going back to work and spending time with Emily when she wasn't at work, that she had ignored her husband. The arguing between them hadn't helped the situation and she had made up her mind that tonight she would give him her full attention.

“What are you watching?” she asked as she sat down beside him.

“I have no idea,” Harm said as he yawned. “Did you and Mattie have a nice time together?”

“Yeah, we did. It's sad about her and Nick though,” Mac said as she started playing with her husbands soft hair.

Harm relaxed into her touch. “She seems to handle it pretty well.”

“She does,” Mac agreed. They were quiet for a while, both watching the TV, but not really paying attention.

“How was your day?” Harm asked after a little while.

“Uneventful. I'm finally up to speed, and the workload is light. I'm glad it's the weekend though,” Mac put her arms around her husband and kissed his cheek. “I've missed you.”

Harm relaxed against her. “Me too. I'm sorry that we fought.”

“Yeah, I guess we overreacted a little. Everything is working out pretty well now though,” Mac said and put her face close to his. “I love you.”

Harm wrapped her in an embrace. “I love you too.”

“Let's go to bed,” Mac suggested and kissed him softly.

Harm nodded. “If we're lucky we'll get a few hours of shut eye before Emily decide it's time to eat again.”

Mac smiled. “I wasn't planning on sleeping.”

Harm raised his eyebrows. “Really?”

Mac stood. “Come on, let's make up.”

Harm hurried to stand. “Let me secure the house and I'll be right there.”

When Harm walked into their bedroom Mac was waiting on him clad in sexy red lingerie. Harm shut the door and walked over to her.

“If this is your way of making up we have to fight more often,” he said before kissing her deeply.

The next morning
Harm and Mac's room

Harm woke up past 0900 the next day, surprisingly rested. Mac wasn't in bed and he hurried to dress and went looking for his girls. He found all three of them in the kitchen along with Matt.

“Matt surprised us with breakfast,” Mac said with a sweet smile.

“Great.” Harm bent down and kissed her softly. “Good morning. You should have woken me up.”

“You needed to rest,” Mac said as he sat down beside her.

“Is princess Emily keeping you up all night?” Matt asked.

“She's a little fuzzy and won't go back to sleep after she's eaten,” Mac said and nuzzled her daughter's head.

“She's just missing her Mommy,” Matt reassured. “It'll be better once she gets used to you going back to work.”

“I guess,” Mac said as she handed her daughter over to her great uncle. “Spend some time with Uncle Matt while Mommy takes a shower.”

“I'm off to spend some time with Jenn,” Mattie said and stood. “Is it okay if I spend the night? We're having Clooney night.”

“A what now?” Harm asked.

“Clooney, as in George Clooney,” Mac said with a smile. “Have fun.”

Harm watched his wife leave the kitchen before he focused on Mattie. “Be home by lunchtime tomorrow then.”

“Yup,” Mattie said and kissed Emily. “Bye Princess.”

“And drive carefully,” Harm reminded her.

“Ai ai, sir,” Mattie said and left them.

“I wanted to talk to you about something, Harm,” Matt said after Mattie left.

“Yeah?” Harm was curious.

“It's about my sister. Mac's mother. Do you think Sarah would want to see her?” Matt asked.

Harm hesitated. “Mac doesn't mention her mother much.”

“Well, Deanne called a few weeks ago. We've been keeping in touch a few times a year, and she would like to visit me and of course Sarah,” Matt explained.

“I think it's best if you ask Mac herself,” Harm said uncomfortably.

Matt nodded. “I will. I regret not being able to be there for Sarah more as a child. Had I known what was going on I would have dropped everything to go help the family. As a Marine I was stationed all over the world while Sarah was little, and I rarely got to see her. I just wish that Deanne would have said something.”

“Mac never blamed you, Matt. If anything she's thankful for what you did to help her to overcome her alcoholism and getting her to join up,” Harm reassured.

“I'm so damn proud of that girl,” Matt said.

“Mac's worked hard to get where she is today. What I admire the most about her is how she managed to overcome her past, and how she keep fighting no matter what life throws at her,” Harm said proudly.

That nigh

Harm walked outside on the porch and found Mac sitting on the porch swing, looking very thoughtful. He walked over to her and sat down beside her taking her hand in his. She smiled and leaned in and kissed him.

“You look thoughtful,” he said and put his arm around her and pulled her closer.

Mac relaxed into his arms. “Just thinking about my Mom.”

“Matt mentioned that she'd visit,” Harm admitted.

“The last time I saw my Mother I told her that I forgave her.” Mac shrugged and looked at her husband. “My Dad at least tried, despite his drinking, to make a home for me. Even when my Mom was around it was always him who helped me with my homework or comforted me when I was hurting. My Mom was just unhappy and overworked, and plain miserable.”

“She had a lot to deal with,” Harm said.

“She could have left him. Or tried to help him. God Harm, he was so messed up it's a wonder he didn't killed himself. Now I know that he probably suffered from PTSD from Vietnam, but back then I just thought he was a bad Dad.” Mac shrugged again.

“You were a kid, Mac,” Harm reasoned.

“Yeah, but Mom wasn't. I guess I blame her just as much as him for all the beating and yelling. She could have left him alone when he drank, but she always confronted him, made him angry. Then the yelling would start and the beating, then he cried and she cried and it all started over again the next time he drank.” Mac put her head on Harm's shoulder. “My problem is that she left me. It's like I wasn't worth having in her life. So why should I welcome her into mine?”

Harm hesitated. “Only you can decide who to have in your life, Mac.”

“I guess I do want to meet her again. And I want you to meet her,” Mac said and lifted her head to look at him. “Uncle Matt mentioned how happy she was when he told her about Emily. I think it would mean a lot to her if she got to meet her.”

“You have a big heart,” Harm said and kissed her sweetly. “It's what I love the most about you.”

Mac smiled. “Thanks.”

To be continued.

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[> Wonderful chapter. Poor Mattie teen love sucks. Can't wait to see where you go next. This is such a wonderful story. -- Beth, 07:27:17 06/22/14 Sun [1]

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[> Happy to see a new chapter, Deannes appearence will be an interesting twist.. -- JoyZ, 11:43:02 06/22/14 Sun [1]

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[> Hmmm this is going to be an interesting chapter next -- Bev uk, 13:35:18 06/22/14 Sun [1]

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[> Such a nice surprise to get another chapter so soon. Love this story. Thank you Lace. -- MAG, 18:52:52 06/23/14 Mon [1]

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[> [> Opps, this was suppose to be a comment for chapter 14. -- MAG, 18:55:10 06/23/14 Mon [1]

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[> Here I am catching up again. Really have been following this story and enjoying this H&M life. Now, you've given us another surprise. Am anxious to see how Mac handles her mother. (And, I won't take so long to read lol) -- carramor, 20:05:26 06/24/14 Tue [1]

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