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Date Posted: 15:47:14 07/07/14 Mon
Author: Lace
Subject: Living out fate Chapter 16

The characters aren't mine, mistakes are..

I don't know if I'll have time to write in the next month, but I will try to find some time to write. Thanks for all the feedback!

Mac and Harm's house
Thanksgiving Day

Harm quietly walked into the bedroom and smiled when he found both his wife and daughter still sound asleep. He put the tray down on the bed and bent down and kissed Mac's cheek.

“Mac?” Harm whispered as he kissed her again.

Mac opened her eyes. “Morning.”

“Breakfast for you,” Harm said and sat down on the bed. “Our Mom's and Grams are taking a walk, Frank and Mattie went to get some stuff that we need for dinner tonight, Uncle Matt called to let us know that he'll be a little late since he's helping out at the homeless shelter and Tom will be landing at 1300.”

“It's a shame Chloe won't be here this year,” Mac said as she reached for the coffee. “But it's the first year in a long time that her dad isn't at sea.”

“She'll be here during Christmas,” Harm reassured.

Emily started fussing so Harm stood and picked her up. “Morning little terror.”

Mac laughed softly. “She's a cute terror though.”

“Let's get you a clean diaper,” Harm said and headed for the bathroom.

Mac couldn't help feeling like the luckiest woman alive. Harm was an amazing dad and watching him with the baby made Mac fall even more in love with him. She smiled as she reached for the paper.

When Harm came back with Emily he handed her over to her mother. “She's hungry.” He sat down on the bed and reached for his coffee. “It looks like our Mom's are getting along.”

“Yeah, I think Mom had trouble feeling as though she belonged, but Trish really has been great,” Mac said as she struggled to get Emily to eat. “What' up little girl?”

“She was really fuzzy last night too,” Harm commented.

“I think she's having a growth spurt and need more milk. The book says that it's normal,” Mac stroked Emily's hair. “She's growing up so fast.”

“She really is,” Harm said just as his phone rang. He reached for his mobile. “Hi, Bud. We have everything pretty much under control. The older generation has taken over so Mac and I are out of work and just chilling. All you need to bring is yourselves. Okay then. See you then. Bye.”

“Chilling?” Mac questioned.

“Mattie must have had an influence on my language,” Harm said as he put the phone away.

Mac smiled. “You think?” she teased as she handed Emily over to Harm. “I better get going.”

“Do you really have to go in today?” Harm asked as he burped the baby.

Mac got out f bed and headed for the bathroom. “I really do. It's been crazy lately and I feel bad taking the day off when the situation is as it is.”

Harm followed her into the bathroom and watched as she stepped into the shower. “Try not to be late for dinner.”

“I'm sending everyone home early,” Mac said with a sweet smile in his direction. “Don't worry, honey, I'll be on time.”

“Well, you do have great timing,” Harm teased.

Later in the day
Mac's office

Harm smiled as he approached Mac's yeoman's desk. He had been kicked out of the house by his mother, grandmother and Mac's mother who had everything under control and would watch the baby so that Harm could have a quiet lunch with his wife.

“Is she busy?”

“I'll check,” the Petty Officer said just as Mac's office door opened. “Ma'am, your husband is here.”

“Hey Harm, I was just about to grab lunch,” Mac said with a smile.

Harm kissed her sweetly. “Let me take you out.”

Twenty minutes later they were waiting on their food to arrive. Harm was telling Mac about the progress at home and Mac laughed when Harm told her that Frank had gone to pick up Tom at the airport and told Trish that they'd stop by to look at something on the boat before they came home.

“Mom saw right through it and told them to enjoy the golf course,” Harm said with a small laugh.

Mac laughed. “And why didn't you join them?”

“I'd much rather have lunch with you,” he answered in a sweet tone.

“Aw, that's so sweet,” Mac took his hand. “What's Mattie doing?”

“She's helping out with dinner. I think she likes all the attention when the house is full,” Harm said with a shrug. “We've both been busy lately with work and Emily, I think she might be feeling a little left out.”

“I guess.” Mac hesitated. “I was thinking that the two of you should find some time to go flying maybe. Mattie mentioned to me that she hadn't been up since her accident and that she felt ready to fly a small plane again. I know you miss flying too.”

“I do,” Harm admitted. “I guess it hasn't been on the top of my list of priorities the last year.”

“I know how much you enjoy being a father, and how busy you've been with the practice, but don't forget to do something for yourself once in a while. I don't want you to realize in ten years that you gave up what you love and resent the decision to leave the Navy,” Mac said.

“Mac,” he smiled. “I won't regret it. I gave it up so that I could be with you, and help Mattie. I have everything I need.”

“I know, but still flying is your big passion and you need to go up every now and then. I did fall in love with a cocky Navy pilot you know,” Mac teased.

“You called me cocky last night,” Harm reminded her.

Mac let out a small laugh. “Well you are.”

Their food arrived and when the waiter had left Harm looked at Mac. “I'll take Mattie up this weekend.”

Mac smiled warmly. “Good.”

Later that night
Harm and Mac's house

Dinner had been amazing and everyone had praised the chef's for their work. Mac could see that her mother enjoyed herself and finally relaxed in everyone's company and she was glad that they had asked her to join them for the holiday.

Mac and Harm had asked everyone to sit down and relax while they took care of the cleaning. Mac finished putting the last of the leftovers in the fridge and closed it before she turned to her husband with a smile.

“What?” Harm asked as he closed the dishwasher.

Mac walked over to him. “I'm just happy.”

“Yeah?” He pulled her in for a hug. “It's been a wonderful year,” he said as he held her close.

Mac relaxed into his arms. “I love you.”

Harm pulled back to look at her. “I love you too, he said and kissed her.

Mac deepened the kiss and soon they were making out and the cleaning temporarily forgotten until someone cleared their throat behind them.

“I thought you two were cleaning?” Matt questioned with amusement.

Harm reluctantly let Mac go. “Just taking a little break.”

“I see,” Matt said with amusement. “Trish took Emily upstairs to get her ready for bed. She was getting fuzzy.”

Mac kissed Harm on the side of his mouth. “I better go feed her then.”

Harm watched her go before he took up the task of cleaning their kitchen. He could hear laughter from the living room and smiled. He was genuinely happy, more than he had ever been earlier in life. He thought about the conversation he had had with Mac earlier about him taking some time to do what he loved. He knew that Mac was worried that he would someday regret leaving behind the chance to fly jets, but Harm knew that that chapter was closed and he wouldn't look back and regret anything. He had decided to take Sarah up at least once a month from now on, especially if Mattie was ready to go up too.

“What are you thinking?”

Harm turned and saw Mattie studying him. He smiled. “I was thinking that we should take Sarah for a spin this weekend.”

“Really?” Mac lit up. “I would love that.”

“I think it's time we do something together just you and me,” Harm said.

Mattie nodded. “I agree.” She smiled. “Today have been awesome.”

“It really has,” Harm agreed.

To be continued.

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[> Wonderful family time. Very well done. Will be patiently waiting for more. -- Beth, 09:01:45 07/08/14 Tue [1]

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[> [> unfinished srort -- fanbuddy, 01:02:41 07/17/14 Thu [1]

Does anybody know whether or not Sylvia bartlett mohr eget finished her JAG fanfic for which we Are truly thankful.

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[> a good chapter looking forward to more -- Bev uk, 13:49:57 07/08/14 Tue [1]

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[> One big happy family, so nice to see! Cute nicname for Emily! -- JoyZ, 09:36:19 07/09/14 Wed [1]

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[> Good story, but babies get fussy when they are hungry. -- achaon, 16:58:08 07/28/14 Mon [1]

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