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Date Posted: 20:54:15 07/26/14 Sat
Author: Karen Joy
Subject: From Commander to CEO Chapter 36

Sorry for the delay, part computer issues, part dreaded writers block.
The rest of the story is at www.fanfiction.net

The next morning, Mac took advantage of the time difference between the west coast and the east coast, and after looking up the number on the internet, ordered a small bouquet of flowers to be sent to Amber. When told of the emergency at breakfast her younger sisters asked if they could send her a stuffed animal as well. Brianna admitted that Darren, their father, sent them stuffed animals when he'd be away on business and or when one of them were sick or injured.

"You were away on business, the only reason we haven't said anything about it before, is this was the first time since Daddy died that one of us needed a bear." Clae Rose admitted. Brianna nodded in agreement.

"Amber really likes tigers, so can we go to the mall, and find a tiger to send her?"

"I think that can be arranged." Harm said. "We'll go after lunch, that gives us time to get chores done, I can help with your homework." The girls agreed quickly. Lilyana worked a clothing store at the mall on Saturday, this way she would have a ride to work, Lilyana was disappointed that she couldn't go on the 'tiger hunt', but she was determined to pay as much of her own way for college, which would be the next school year. Growing up sometimes requires a sacrifice. She decided that she'd get a little something for Amber to wear when she had some free time, which from what she was hearing was not often.

Monday morning finally came around, it seemed to both Harm and Mac that the weekend dragged slowly, even with all the normal activities. They had wondered what the result would be of the ultra-sound. Were they ready to be happy if it was a single pregnancy, or if it turned out to be a multiple pregnancy, as it seemed? This was something that both had pondered well into the night. Mac more so than Harm, but that was because she'd had a few more days to think about it. The doctor could have seen her already, but Mac wanted Harm to be at the appointment, so she'd taken the later opening in the doctor's schedule.

Monday Morning

0900 local

San Diego. CA

The technician had Mac prepped for the procedure and did her part and the doctor would be looking at the results in another room, his way of preparing himself if there were any abnormalities or surprises.

It was a long few minutes for Harm, and Mac, whose vaunted telling of time had temporarily gone on the blink, when the doctor strode into the room, with a hard copy of the ultrasound.

"Colonel Rabb, Mr. Rabb, I know you both are wondering what the results are. Baby Rabb appears to be perfectly healthy, as does his or her sibling."

Harm let out the breath he didn't know he'd been holding. "When Mac told me that the test she took went positive so quickly, I remembered that friends of mine from the academy had twins, and her comment to her husband, before they had it confirmed was 'as fast as that went blue, I'm carrying triplets, turns out it was just twins, but, I remember that and so I've been psyching myself all weekend for this possibility."

Mac was about to ask the doctor, but realized by what he said that they wouldn't know the sex of the babies at this time. "Will we be able to find out at the next ultrasound what we are having?"

The doctor nodded. "We should, provided they cooperate, sometimes the little one is shy and doesn't move in a way for us to tell. I'll have Misty," he nodded to the tech, "print off a picture for both of you."

After the appointment they went their separate ways, each to their own office, but truth be told, their mind was not wholly on business. Thankfully neither of them had a busy day and were able to deflect any possible questions from subordinates.

When they got home, within minutes of each other, they decided to wait to tell the rest of the family about carrying twins. They would let the Burnetts, Uncle Matt, Sergei and his wife, and Mattie know before they told the younger members of the family.

Another author note: Friends of mine, when she did the pregnancy test said, as fast as that turned blue, I'll bet its twins" or something along that line, as this was over twenty years ago, and sure enough they had twins.

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[> So happy to see you continue this story. Can't wait to see what they are having. Patiently waiting for more -- Beth, 21:07:04 07/26/14 Sat [1]

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[> Like it soo much, Great that you continued this story -- Alex, 13:33:35 07/27/14 Sun [1]

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[> Often thought about Com to CEO, glad to see you continue, will go now to ff to refresh, ie, back to the beginning. -- JoyZ, 10:49:11 07/28/14 Mon [1]

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