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Date Posted: 15:06:13 08/15/14 Fri
Author: Lace
Subject: Weekend away

Part of the "Nine years after" series. Part five.

The characters aren't mine, mistakes are.

Harm and Mac's house
Wednesday April 23d

Matthew Harmon Rabb was seated on his parent's bed, watching his father pack a bag. The seven, almost eight year old boy had a thoughtful expression on his face as he wondered what was going on.

“Dad, are you and Mom getting a divorce?”

Harm stopped what he was doing and focused on his son. “What?”

“I heard you guys fighting and now you're packing a bag. My friend Harry's parent's are divorced, and he said that first his parent's fought then his Dad moved out and lived with what is now his step-mom,” Mathew said, his eyes wide as he spoke.

Harm chuckled. “Buddy, Mom and I are fine. I'm just going fishing with Uncle Jack for a few days. Remember how we talked about it last week? I'll leave today, then Mom will join me on Friday and you and Nathan and Claire will stay with Bud and Harriet.”

Matthew nodded. “I remember. So why did you have a fight with Mom?”

“Sometimes Mom and I don't agree, you know that,” Harm said as he sipped up his bag and walked over to the bed where Matthew was sitting. “But that doesn't mean that we have stopped loving each other.”

Matthew nodded again. “But Dad, shouldn't you and Mom make up before you go?”

Harm laughed softly as he sat down on the bed. Just as he was about to talk Mac walked into the room. “I told you I didn't misplace your lucky hat,” she said and threw Harm's fishing hat across the room and straight into his face.

“I think you should apologize, Dad,” Matthew said.

Harm looked between his son and his wife, both staring at him. Harm stood. “I'm sorry, Mac. I shouldn't have blamed you.”

Mac relaxed. “I told you it was probably forgotten inside the fishing box from last time you went fishing.”

“I said I was sorry,” Harm said with a pout. “We should probably kiss and make up now,” he continued with a sweet smile.

“I agree with, Dad,” Matthew said.

Mac looked at the identical smiles of her two Rabb men and she smiled too. “I forgive you, Harm.”

Harm looked pleased as he leaned in and kissed her. “I'm gonna miss you.”

Mac hugged him close. “I'm going to miss you too.”

Matthew jumped off the bed. “My work here is done.”

Mac followed Harm to the front door. “Be careful.”

“That's always my intention,” Harm reassured. “I'll call you tonight.”

Mac gave him one last kiss. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” he said and hugged her. “Aren't the kids going to say goodbye?”

“Dad's leaving, come say goodbye,” Mac yelled.

Soon all three Rabb children joined them in the hallway and said their goodbyes. Then Harm was out the door, ready to start his vacation.

Friday afternoon
The Keeter family house, Maryland

Jack Keeter relaxed into the couch and sipped his beer after a long day on the lake. His family had a house in Maryland bought specifically to have a place near the great fishing areas. He, like his father and grandfather, three generations Navy, used up all their leave to sit in a boat on a lake fishing pole in hand waiting for the fish to bite.

They had met Wednesday, Harm and two more buddies, Frank and Mark, from their days at the Naval Academy, for their annual fishing trip. Then today their women were going to join them for the rest of the weekend. But for two days there had been nothing but talking about the old days and competing to get the biggest fish. It was men being men.

It was a warm spring day so they were seated outside on the front porch, relaxing as they waited for Jill and Lisa, Frank and Mark's wives, to finish with dinner.

“Stop checking your watch Harm, she'll be here soon enough,” Jack teased his old friend.

Harm chuckled. “You can't blame me for looking forward to seeing my wife after looking at your ugly face for two days straight.”

“Not to mention the smell,” Mark said with laughter.

Jack laughed. “I took a shower.”

“Otherwise your wife would have turned and run the other way the moment she came close to you,” Mark continued.

“I must say I'm glad he showered,” Cathy, Jacks wife, said. “And I'm getting a little worried about Mac as well, she's always on time.”

Harm was anxious. Cathy had come a few hours earlier as planned, and Mark's wife Jill and Frank's wife Lisa had arrived an hour ago. Harm had been expecting Mac an hour ago too, but still there was no sign of her.

“Her phone goes straight to voice-mail,” Harm said as he tried to call once more.

Finally twenty minutes later Mac's car came up the driveway, and parked in front of the house. Harm rose to greet her.

“Sorry, I was going to call from the road, but I'd forgotten to charge my phone. Court ran late because of some last minute discoveries by the defense, so I decided to let them finish,” Mac explained as she retrieved her bag and joined them on the porch.

Harm greeted her with a kiss and a hug. “I was getting worried.”

“I'm here now,” Mac said as she released him and turned to the rest of the people.

“Sarah Mackenzie you don't get any older, just more beautiful,” Jack jumped to his feet and walked over to give her one of his famous bear-hugs.

“It's good to see you Jack,” Mac said with a smile when Jack released her. “Hi Cathy, how are you?”

“It's so great seeing you again, Mac,” Cathy said as she too offered a hug. “We're doing fine. The kids are growing up too fast though.”

“I know what you mean,” Mac said.

Colonel Sarah Mackenzie, this is retired Captain Frank Tucker and retired Admiral Mark Miller,” Harm introduced them.

Mac shook hands with both men. “It's nice to meet you guys.

After introductions were made they had dinner, where Jack announced that the next afternoon he had arranged for a game of paint ball. Mac was the only one of the ladies to light up.

“Oh no, Jack, are you sure about this,” Harm pointed in Mac's direction as he laughed softly. “You know you're going to let out the monster, right?”

“I think it's time I get my revenge,” Jack said with cockiness.

“There's a story here?” Jill asked.

“We don't need to talk about it,” Jack hurried to say as he shrugged.

Mac sat up straighter with a big smile on her face. “So how will we do this? Who decides the teams?”

“We pick, don't we?” Harm suggested.

“Mac and I will each lead one team, and we'll pick,” Jack said and leaned close to Mac. “The revenge is on.”

Mac rolled her eyes. “Bring it on big guy.”

Jack offered a mock glare. “I know I've gained some weight, but there's no need to be rude.”

“It'll make it easier for me to hit you,” Mac said and everyone except Jack laughed. “Not that it matters with my aim,” Mac continued with self confidence.

The next day
The paint ball field

The game was on for sure. As they were about to choose the teams Mac suggested that they play women against men, something that Jack agreed on, since he thought he'd stand a better chance of winning. Mac was in her element, this was one of her favorite activities and she tried to play at least once a month. The last time she had played against Jack, she had taken him out after two minutes and Jack had been mentioning revenge every time they had met the last three years. Mac wondered if he'd been practicing, but she decided that it wouldn't matter. She could take out four jet jocks any day, even with three women who'd never played before on her team.

“Hey Mac, do you think you could let me shoot Jack?” Cathy asked with a wicked smile.

Mac chuckled. “Sure, let me take out Mark and Frank first, then we'll have some fun with Harm and Jack.”

It took Mac three minutes to take out Mark and Frank. Apparently Jack was hiding out, hoping that one of the others would be able to get Mac in his line of fire. The plan hadn't worked and now Mac used Jill to find out where Jack and Harm were hiding. As the first shot fired, she knew exactly where one of them were, and she managed to sneak up behind Jack.

“Drop it Jack,” she ordered. Claire was right behind her. “He's all yours, Claire.”

Jack dropped his weapon and dropped to his knees. “”You wouldn't.”

Claire fired her weapon and laughed. “Sorry honey, this is fun.”

Mac turned as she heard shots fired and saw that both Jill and Lisa had raised their hands and heard one of them yell. “Damn it, that hurt.”

“Want to kiss and make up, Harm?” she yelled.

“I don't know, Mac. Maybe we should see who's the best?” Harm yelled back.

Mac came up behind him. “Oh, I think we've already established that, honey.”

Harm raised his hands and turned to her. “How did you do that?”

Mac smiled as she removed her mask. “I always know where you are.”

“Isn't that my line?” Harm threw his weapon on the ground. “Want to make out now.”

“In a minute,” Mac said and pulled the trigger. “Now we can make out.”

Harm watched as she threw down her weapon before he walked close to her, taking off his mask as he came close to her. “God you're hot when you get into combat mode.”

Mac smiled and kissed him deeply. “This was really fun.”

“I'm glad you enjoyed yourself,” Harm said with a husky voice and kissed her again.

The next night
Harm and Mac's house

As they entered their house they could hear guitar playing and singing from the living room. They shared a loving look as they peeked into the living room, quiet as they didn't want to disturb what was going on. Matthew and Nathan played their guitars, while Claire was singing. Mac and Harm loved these moments of musicality among their children. Harm had played guitar with them for years, and all their kids loved music. Claire was part of her schools glee club, and she wanted to study music in college.

As the song ended both Harm and Mac applauded and all three kids turned to them.

“You're home!” Matthew jumped up and came running to hug them.

“How was your weekend?” Harm asked.

“We had fun with the Robert's. Nathan drove us home an hour ago, and we made pizza,” Claire said with a smile. “How was the trip?”

“It was great,” Harm said.

“How's Uncle Jack and Aunt Cathy?” Nathan wondered.

“They are great. We'll visit with them this summer,” Mac said as she pulled Matthew close to her. “It's so good to be home. I missed you guys.”

“We missed you too,” Claire said and hugged her father.

Harm and Mac shared a loving look, both thinking that being home again was good.

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[> Too cute. Girls against the guys wasn't fair. Girls always win. -- Beth, 21:46:48 08/15/14 Fri [1]

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[> [> Very nice! and a wonderful Keeter too! -- Alicia, 22:56:25 08/15/14 Fri [1]

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[> Love reading about 'happy times' with these two, girls against guys? no contest! -- JoyZ, 09:55:32 08/18/14 Mon [1]

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