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Date Posted: 14:49:40 08/20/14 Wed
Author: Lace
Subject: Stepping down

Next in the "nine years after" series.

The characters aren't mine, mistakes are..

Harm and Mac's house
Washington D.C
Saturday morning
May 10th

Mac watched as her husband walked into the kitchen and headed straight for the coffee. He looked tired, and she wondered when he had come to bed last night. He had been that way for weeks, busy, always busy. In the back of her mind she was beginning to worry about their marriage, but after some thought she had decided that he was just preoccupied, and they'd had quickies in the shower some mornings and then there were the lingering touches and whispers of 'I love you'. No, their marriage was fine. Still, she worried that he was working too hard, and not taking the time to take care of himself.

As he stood by the counter, busy looking at his phone, probably checking his email, he looked older somehow. The gray in his hair seemed more gray, the wrinkles on his forehead seemed deeper. When was the last time he'd had a day off? Last weekend he'd worked, she remembered because she'd been alone on every activity their children had. Then the weekend before he'd also spent most of his time at JAG.

“It's going to be sunny this weekend,” Mac said.

No response.

“Maybe we should do something outside?”

Harm sipped his coffee and finally he looked at her. “Hey Mac, this weekend we should take Sarah up for a spin. The forecast says sunny.”

Mac just looked at him.

“I'm sorry, did we have other plans?” Harm asked confused.

Mac couldn't help herself, she laughed.


“Nothing,” Mac put her coffee down and walked over to him. “Sure, taking Sarah up sounds like fun. The kids will be happy.”

“Damn it, the kids. I was supposed to drive Claire to Erica's house,” Harm said as he walked past Mac.

Mac reached for his hand. “Nathan took her. He took Matthew to the skate park and brought Claire to Erica's place first.” Harm relaxed as Mac continued. “I figured you could use the extra sleep.”

“It was nice to have a few extra hours in bed,” Harm admitted. “The last few weeks have been crazy.”

“You don't say,” Mac teased.

Harm smiled as a thought occurred to him. “So we have the house to ourselves?”

Mac nodded. “Yup, so if you want to relax with a book now would be the time.”

Harm let out a snort. “A book? No way, I want to do something entirely different.” Then he kissed her deeply.

Mac smiled as he trailed kisses down her neck, and she reluctantly pushed him away. “I'm sorry, but I can't. I have to pick up Harriet for our spa appointment, and then there's the hair appointment afterwards,” she said as his face turned into a pout. “It'll be good for you to have the house to yourself, you can relax.”

“I don't want to relax, I want to be with you,” he said as he kissed her again. “Can't you cancel.”

“I don't want to do that,” Mac said with a sweet laughter as she once again pushed him away.

“Fine,” he huffed.

Mac grabbed her purse. “See you later.”

Harm walked after her. “Hey Mac, I love you.”

Mac turned with a big smile on her face. “I love you too.” Then she kissed him, before leaving the house.

Georgetown Park
Later that day

Mac felt great as she walked around the stores after her day at the spa. She was looking for some new lingerie and a nice dress for when Harm took her out sometime soon. As she walked past a mirror she stopped and studied herself, wondering how her husband would react to her new short haircut. She felt younger, almost like she had gone back to her roots. When she'd first joined the Marine Corps she wore her hair short for practical reasons,and she continued to keep it that way, but then as she grew older she decided to have longer hair, and through her marriage with Harm her hair had been long.

“You look great, Mac,” Harriet said.

“It feels good,” Mac said with a smile.

“Thank you so much for today, I really needed it,” Harriet said as she looked at a blouse. “The kids have been driving me crazy lately, and there's not much help from Bud. JAG must be busy at the moment, because I hardly ever see him.”

“Harm too,” Mac said as she studied a cute skirt. “He did take today off though, and tomorrow we're going flying. I've actually been a little worried about Harm lately. He's been so busy and stressed.”

“I'm sure it's just a period,” Harriet reassured.

“I guess,” Mac said hesitantly. “It's just that... Harm used to be so passionate.”

“Well, the sex does change, Mac. That's normal,” Harriet reassured.

“Oh no, it's not that,” Mac hurried to say. “He's very passionate about that. I meant that Harm used to be passionate about his work, but since he became the JAG it's like he has lost something. I guess it's the mindless bureaucracy, the politics and the fact that he hasn't set foot inside a court room in a very long time.”

“You miss the part of him that made you fall in love with him,” Harriet said.

Mac looked thoughtful. “You're right, I do miss seeing him at his best, arguing a case, being superman. I do miss that. And I think he's bored.”

“Maybe you should tell him,” Harriet suggested.

“Yeah, I probably should,” Mac agreed.

Harm and Mac's house
Later that day

When Mac opened the front door she heard voices and laughter coming from the kitchen. She put her bags down and headed in that direction. Not letting her presence show, she stood by the kitchen entrance and watched her family. Matthew was sitting on a bar stool watching his Dad make a salad, they were chatting away about what must have been something amusing since they both wore identical smiles on their faces. Claire was setting the table, while Nathan was in charge of the gravy apparently. They all looked so happy and Mac felt her heart warm by the sight.

“Mom, your hair!” Claire more or less yelled. They all turned to her now.

“Wow, Mac,” Harm put the knife down and turned fully to her.

Mac stepped fully into the kitchen. “So, what do you guys think?”

“You look great, Mom,” Nathan said.

Claire nodded in agreement. “You look wonderful, Mom.”

Matthew jumped off the bar stool and came running over to hug her. “I think so too, Mom.”

Harm walked over to her as well. “You look beautiful,” he said as he leaned down and kissed her. “Really sexy.”

All the kids joined in in a; “Ewww, that's gross.”

Mac smiled as Harm ignored the kids and kissed her again. “What's for dinner?” she asked as the kiss ended.

“Just some chicken and rice,” Harm said as he released her and turned back to his task.

Mac used the time while waiting on dinner to ask everyone about their day, and Matthew almost tripped on his words as he eagerly told her about the skate park.

“Wow,” Mac said and looked at Nathan. “Thank you for taking him.”

“No, problem,” Nathan said with a smile in his brother's direction. “He did really good.”

During dinner Harm told them that he had something to say. “First of all I want to apologize for working so much lately and for missing out on so much with you guys. It's been crazy at JAG, but it seems like it's slowing down. Secondly, I have decided to retire.”

No one said anything, they all just stared at him.

“During a case I allowed two of my lawyers to investigate further than the SecNav agreed to. I've been taking some heat from the people above me because of it, and I told SecNav that I couldn't work like that. I won't let politics stand in the way of the truth, and the way things are I think it's time I let someone else take on the role as Judge Advocate General.”

“Harm...” Mac reached for her husbands hand.

“It's been brewing for a while now, Mac. Ever since my heart procedure I've been thinking more and more about spending less time doing what I think I have to do and more time doing what I want to do. And I want to spend more time with my family,” he said with a smile.

“You know we support you either way,” Mac said and squeezed his hand.

“I know,” Harm smiled warmly. “I love you guys.”

“I love you too, Dad,” Claire said.

“I love you, Dad,” Nathan said.

“I love you, Dad,” Matthew said.

Mac smiled as she saw the unshed tears in Harm eyes. “I love you.”

The rest of dinner was spent making plans for the next day. They all agreed that a picnic and some flying would be great.

Later, after the kids had turned in for the night, Mac found Harm in their bedroom. He was getting ready for bed, but when he saw her he walked over to her with a sexy grin on his face.

“Did I tell you how beautiful you are?” he said as he started kissing her neck.

Mac put her arms around him and moved her head to give him better access. “You did.”

“I missed you today,” he said as he found her mouth with his.

Mac lost herself in his kisses and touches, and they made passionately love. Afterwards Harm held her close as he caressed her back softly.

“Are you sure you're ready to retire?” Mac asked.

“You know, I really am. I can't ignore my own believes to make powerful people happy. I can't work like that, Mac, you know that,” Harm said and looked into her eyes.

Mac smiled lovingly. “This is the man I fell in love with. I'm so crazy about you, Harmon Rabb Junior.”

Harm kissed her deeply. “I love you too, Sarah.”

The end

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[> I don't post often but I love all the stories that the authors provide us. Lace, you are a very talented writer -- Ros, 17:24:21 08/20/14 Wed [1]

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[> Wonderful. Your writing makes you feel like your really there with them. Thanks for sharing your writing talent with us. -- Beth, 20:28:29 08/20/14 Wed [1]

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[> Love seeing the Rabb clan happy, thanks for another 'day in the life'. -- JoyZ, 10:15:05 08/21/14 Thu [1]

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