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Date Posted: 06:49:04 09/26/14 Fri
Author: Lace
Subject: August challenge Awkward moment number 275

Awkward moment number 275

August challenge

The characters aren't mine, mistakes are...

Harm's apartment
Saturday morning

The clock on the wall had barely passed 0500 on a rainy D.C morning. Mac didn't need the watch to tell her the time, she always knew. She knew that it had been 19.01 when she had knocked on Harm's door the night before, her arms carrying files they barely could hold because of the heavy weight. It had been 19.35 when their dinner had arrived, Chinese take-out from their usual place. It had been 21.35 when Harm had declared a break in their work; he needed to clear his head and went over to the refrigerator to get Mac's favorite ice cream. He had told her that he always kept one around in case she got cranky. This had earned him a glare, soon replaced by a huge smile once she'd taken the first spoonful. It had been 2245 when they had decided that it was enough work for that night and decided to meet again at JAG the next day to continue. Harm had wanted to start at 0900, giving him a chance to sleep in a little the next day. This had earned him some teasing from Mac, which had turned into their usual bantering. It was 2256 when he kissed her. It hadn't been a friendly kiss. It was sweet at first, then it was deep and his arms had pulled her close to him.

Thinking about it, over the last two months, ever since Bud almost died after loosing his leg, something had changed between them. The looks they'd shared had lasted a little longer than usual, the friendly touches had lingered a little longer than what was appropriate for two friends and coworkers. They were working well together, even when they were on opposite sides of a case.

It was 0509 and she was sitting by his kitchen isle not sure what to do. She couldn't leave, no that would be awkward. But staying would be awkward too. They were best friends, but now she couldn't see him as just that anymore. Not that she had since.... She had been in love with him for such a long time she couldn't even remember when it started.


She turned towards the sleeping area of his apartment. There he was, clad in his boxers, his body just as sexy as she remembered from 2303 when his shirt landed on the floor. He was rubbing his face. “It's early.”

“05.13,” Mac responded without even thinking.

He walked over to her. “It's cold,” he took her hand and dragged her to her feet. “We need to be in bed.”

Too surprised to say anything she let him lead her back to the bedroom. She took off his robe and snuggled under the sheet, letting him put his arms around her and hold her close. It felt so right to stay that way with him and soon she was asleep.

It was 10.05 when she woke up alone. She could smell coffee and she got up and found his robe to put on. The first thing she saw was his bare back moving around the kitchen preparing their breakfast.

“We were supposed to be at JAG an hour and six minutes ago,” she said as she carefully moved towards the kitchen aisle.

He turned with a sweet smile. “Don't that clock of yours ever rest?”

Mac shook her head. “Uh, no, not really.”

“There's really no rush to get to JAG. I feel pretty confident about court on Monday,” he said as he handed her a mug. “Good morning.”

Mac smiled. “Morning. Thanks.” She took a sip and wrinkled her face in disgust. “This isn't coffee, Harm.”

“Oh sorry,” he took the mug from her and handed her another one. “That was mine.”

She took a sip of the other mug and smiled. “That's better.”

He smiled. “So no tea for you in the mornings then.”

Mac returned the mile. “So, awkward moment number 275, huh?”

He smiled even wider. “Yeah.”

Mac hesitated. “Can a best friend become your boyfriend?”

Harm reached for her hand. “Sometimes...if you're lucky.”

They stared at each other for exactly two minutes and thirteen seconds, before Mac put her mug down. “What does that mean?”

Harm led her to the kitchen isle and then proceeded to put breakfast in front of her. “It means….” He joined her by the isle and smiled cleverly. “…that if two people who are best friends and love each other and would do anything for the other fall in love, they are lucky.”

Mac hesitated, unsure how to interpret what he was saying. “So, in other words what does that mean?”

“We’ve been dancing around the question of us for years now. Don’t tell me that not once in that time have you thought about us as a couple?” Harm looked at her with anticipation.

“Of course I have, but there’s always been complications. The search for your father, another woman, flying…”

“Brumby…” Harm let it hang.

“Yeah, him too,” Mac agreed.

“If my plane hadn’t crashed, would you have married him?” Harm wondered.

“Probably,” Mac said honestly. “He’s a good man, and I did love him. Maybe not enough for us to grow old together, but I was ready to marry him, yes.”

“And now?” Harm asked.

“If he came back you mean? It wouldn’t have mattered. What happened, happened because I had feelings for you. I loved him, but I didn’t love him enough. Not like I love…” she stopped abruptly.

Harm stared at her. “I love you too, you know.”

Surprised by his words Mac was finding it hard to speak. “Harmon Rabb, you are just full of surprises.”

This earned her a full blown smile. “That’s what keeps it interesting.”

Mac laughed and took his hand. “So what now. Why now?”

Harm hesitated. “Bud happened. It made me realize that I was wasting time.”

“Harm, is this some sort of crisis you’re having? Because if you get bored in a month or two…”

“That won’t happen, Mac,” he said honestly. “This is not another obsession, this is…” he stood abruptly, walked over to his work desk, and retrieved something from the drawer. He handed her an old picture.

Mac studied the picture of a family, two young parents and two kids a boy and a girl.

“That’s Grandma Sarah and Grandpa David, that’s Aunt Molly and that’s my Dad. It wasn’t long after this picture was taken that my Grandpa was killed. Grams kept the farm running and raised two children on her own. I asked her once why she never remarried and she said that she had found her one true love once and she would never find it again.”

“She’s beautiful, she must have had options,” Mac said as she studied the picture.

“But she didn’t feel for anyone the way she felt about him,” Harm took Mac’s hand. “That’s how I feel about you.”

Mac looked at him. “You really mean that, don’t you?”

Harm nodded. “I want what they had.”

Mac leaned in and kissed him. “I want that too. Minus the part where he got killed,” she added with a little humor.”

Harm chuckled. “I’ll do my best. So what do you say? Do you want to spend the rest of your life with me?”

Mac nodded. “I do.”

They shared a sweet kiss. When it ended, Harm looked thoughtful. “God, how am I going to explain this to the Admiral?”

Mac laughed softly. “I’ll help you.”

The end.

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[> I love this story! Thank you for sharing -- Cristina, 10:31:26 09/26/14 Fri [1]

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[> Brilliant read. I truly love reading your stories -- Ros, 11:15:12 09/26/14 Fri [1]

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[> Your story flowed so nicely, it was fun to read. Thanks Lace, always look forward to your H/M stories! -- JoyZ, 11:48:58 09/26/14 Fri [1]

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[> wonderful Lace -- Bev uk, 13:22:36 09/26/14 Fri [1]

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[> That was absolutely beautiful. If only. Thanks for sharing. -- Beth, 17:59:02 09/26/14 Fri [1]

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[> Very nicely done -- usmgrad, 18:42:47 09/26/14 Fri [1]

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[> aww..so sweet. Very nice! -- Alicia, 21:13:04 09/27/14 Sat [1]

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[> It could been that easy. -- achaon, 21:57:35 10/02/14 Thu [1]

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