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Date Posted: 18:14:20 10/06/14 Mon
Author: Lace
Subject: Pondering the road not taken

Pondering the road not taken

Part of the nine years after series.

Mistakes are mine, the character's are not...

Harm and Mac’s house, Washington D.C, October 2014
Harm stopped on his way to the kitchen and studied his wife who were standing by their wedding picture on the wall by the fireplace. He wondered about her faraway look, remembering that she’d been distant lately.
“You were beautiful,” he said. “Still are.”
She turned with a smile. “Still good with the smooth remarks, Rabb.”
Harm chuckled. “I’m trying.” He walked closer to her and kissed her. “What’s up pretty lady?”
“What do you mean?” Mac asked with amusement.
Harm ran a hand down her cheek in a sweet gesture. “You’ve been quiet lately.”
“I have?” She shrugged. “Maybe.”
“Talk to me,” Harm pleaded.
“It’s nothing really. I met Admiral Holt today. He was the Commander who took Command over Joint Legal Services, when I wouldn’t. He’s the new JAG.”
“They finally decided on the new JAG. That’s about time, right?” Harm had been surprised that they had used such a long time to appoint his replacement. It had been five months since he had his last day as the Judge Advocate General. It dawned on him why Mac had been so thoughtful. “It could have been you.”
Mac shook her head. “No.”
“Who knows, Mac. It could have been you,” Harm repeated. “Is that why you’ve been so thoughtful?”
Mac hesitated as she sat down on the couch. “I guess I’ve been pondering the road not taken.”
“Any regrets?” Harm wondered.
Mac smiled. “I remember just after I decided to go into the reserves and follow you to London. It took a long time for you to trust my decision.”
“It wasn’t that,” Harm disagreed. “I trusted your decision, but I always worried that you’d hold it against me someday.”

London June 2005

The kitchen was almost unpacked. Empty boxes were stacked in a corner, ready to be stored away. Mac took the last empty box and put it on top of the others, planning on asking her husband to help her carry them downstairs to the basement as soon as he came home from work. Looking around she was satisfied with her work, a nice blend of her and Harm’s things.
She was about to make a new pot of coffee when the phone rang. “Rabb residence.”
“Hello. Is this Sarah Mackenzie?” A British female voice asked.
“Actually, it’s Sarah Rabb now, but yes you’ve reached the right person,” Mac said.
“I’m sorry; Miss Cavanaugh didn’t mention a name change. My name is Professor Tina Brown. I work at the University of London, the law department.”
“How can I help you Professor?” Mac questioned.
“Your name was mentioned by Meredith Cavanaugh. We’re old friends. I mentioned to her that one of our Professors have fallen ill. Professor Hawk had an international law class at the university, but he won’t be able to hold the class this semester, so we are looking for a replacement. Meredith suggested that I give you a call.”
Mac was surprised. “Me?”
“I took the liberty of checking up on you, Mrs Rabb. Is that what I should call you?”
The newness of the title made Mac hesitate. “I guess it would be right, yes.”
“You are a specialist in International law, and on top of that you’ve served in the Military, and your record told me that you have a unique experience on the subject. I believe you could be an asset to us.”
“I’m sorry, I guess I’m a little surprised. I’ve never thought about teaching. How many classes are we talking about?”
They talked about details for a while, and then they agreed to meet later in the week. When Mac hung up she was still surprised by the request. Here she had planned on not rushing into anything work-related, she had Mattie to think about and Harm and her really wanted to try to conceive, but there was no way she could pass on the chance.
She heard the front door open and shut and smiled as she went to meet her husband. He looked handsome in his summer whites, his pretty face flashed her a big smile when he saw her.
His voice was husky when he spoke. “Hey.”
Mac felt butterflies in her stomach as he kissed her. “Hey.”
“I missed you today.” Harm hesitated. “How was your day? Are you dying of boredom?”
“I’ve unpacked the kitchen. This is starting to look like a home.” Mac smiled cleverly.
“I could have helped you know,” Harm said.
“I know, but I don’t have much else to do these days,” Mac reminded him. “But that could change soon.”
Harm followed her to the living room, where most of their stuff were still in boxes. “What do you mean?”
Mac explained about the phone call. “I think it could be interesting.”
Harm looked relieved. “I think it’s perfect.”
“Harm, someday soon you have to realize that me going into the active reserves isn’t something I’ll regret or hold against you.” Mac took his hand. “It’s been three weeks since we said I do.”
“I’m just afraid that you’ll wake up and realize that marrying me, moving to London, giving up your career and becoming a house wife was all just a big mistake” Harm said as he leaned in and kissed her. “God you’re beautiful.”
Mac lost herself in his kisses and as usual they ended up somewhere without clothes. This time it was the living room floor. “When Mattie moves home this has to stop,” Mac said as she tried to regain her breathing.
Harm responded by kissing her deeply. “I’m crazy about you.”
“Good,” Mac pulled him down for another kiss. It had been this way since the night in his apartment when they had finally admitted their undying love for one another. They couldn’t keep their hands to themselves for more than a minute, making it hard to get much done in the house.
“What’s for dinner?” Harm asked between kisses.
“I haven’t gotten that far yet,” Mac admitted.
“Let’s go out.” Harm prepared to stand. He rose and looked down on her naked form. “I love you.”
Mac stood as well. “I love you too.”

During dinner they discussed Harm’s day, Mac offered some advice. Then they discussed Mattie’s arrival the next day.
“I talked to Tom, and he didn’t want to be in the way, so he’s staying in a hotel,” Mac said.
Harm nodded. “I hope the flight goes well.”
“Mattie is excited, and Tom will be there with her, so I think she’ll do fine. Dr Goodman called today, he has been in contact with Mattie’s Doctor here, and the physiotherapist, they are prepared to meet with us over the weekend to discuss how to give Mattie the best treatment. I called them myself to make sure.” Mac explained.
Harm smiled. “Marines are always prepared.”
Mac laughed softly. “You bet.”
“Did I ever thank you for what you’re doing for Mattie?” Harm wondered and took Mac’s hand.
“Yes. We’re in this together,” Mac reminded him.
“I know, but it feels like you’re doing most of the job,” Harm admitted.
“I don’t mind, you know that. I love you guys and I want to see Mattie reach full recovery, just like you,” Mac said.
Harm smiled sweetly. “I know, and she will.”
Mattie had already come a long way since she woke up from her coma six weeks ago. She had no brain damage, her spinal injury to the C6 was minor, but an operation five weeks ago was necessary to remove some lose bone fragments, giving Mattie back most of her hand function. The rest would have to be taken care of with physiotherapy. Overall, Mattie had been very lucky.
Mac had stayed in D.C for the first two weeks after Harm left to take over his command. She had to resume her duties at JAG Headquarters until her request for inactive reserves came through. This meant that Mac had to serve one weekend a month and two weeks every summer, and she could be pulled into duty when the Marine Corps needed her. In the meantime, she could have a civilian career on the sides. Mac and Harm, along with General Cresswell had decided that this was the best option. This way Mac could have her civilian life without ending her career in the military permanently.
By the end of the two weeks, Harm came back to D.C for a weekend, where Harm and Mac married and then they travelled back to London after that, leaving Mattie behind until she was cleared to travel. Tom, Mattie’s father, had again agreed to clean himself up, and he did his best to be there for Mattie while Harm and Mac were in London getting the house ready for Mattie.
Mac had started the process with the house right away, in-between her and Harm’s newlywed moments, and there were many of those. After nine years of dancing around each other, they were now glued together whenever they could.
“Don’t forget that I have duty this weekend,” Mac reminded her husband.
“I didn’t forget,” Harm reassured.

Sunday night, Harm and Mac’s house
Harm had just finished setting the table when he heard the front door open and shut. He smiled as he walked to meet Mac. The weekend had started with Mattie arriving with her father. Their flight had been fine, and although Mattie was tired, she was very excited to see the house. Saturday Mac went to work, while Harm took Mattie on a mini tour of London, promising her that as soon as she was in better shape they’d do much more.
Tom met them for lunch before he had to leave for the airport. He promised to stay in touch and finish his rehab. Mattie said her goodbyes and they agreed to talk at least a few times a week.
Mac seemed happy to put on her uniform again, and Harm was worried that she was regretting her decision to say no to her own command. Harm felt that Mac’s sacrifices had been too big, and that she would come to regret it eventually.
“How was your day?” Harm asked after he had kissed her.
“Good. How did everything go here?” Mac asked as she walked into the living room.
“Great. Mattie was tired today, so we’ve just stayed inside.”
Mac smiled. “Something smells great. Lasagna?”
“Yes,” Harm confirmed.
“Great, I’m starving.” She stepped into his embrace and kissed him sweetly. “I’ll just change.”
Harm touched one of her oak leafs. “Regretting it yet, Colonel?”
Mac wrinkled her forehead and stepped away from him. “Harm, don’t start.”
Harm followed her to the bedroom. “I’m just worried.”
Mac opened the buttons in her uniform shirt and removed it. “I didn’t give it up because I had to, but because I wanted to. Haven’t we had this discussion a million times before?”
“Everyone thinks it was a mistake,” Harm reminded her.
After removing her skirt, she hung the uniform up and closed the closet. “Including you?”
“Mac, you’re brilliant,” Harm responded.
“Harm,” Mac put on jeans. “I want a family more than I want to be a General. I want you.” She slipped a t-shirt on. “I can do a lot more than being a Marine.” She stepped closer to him. “Besides, I really want to try to conceive.”
“So you won’t hate me ten years from now?” Harm asked as he pulled her close.
Mac laughed softly. “I could never hate you.” She kissed him softly on the lips.
Harm smiled. “Do you want to try and conceive now?”
Mac burst out laughing. “Smooth talk, Rabb. You promised me food.”
Harm nodded. “Fine, food first then.”
Mac leaned in and kissed him again. “I love you.”
“You have no idea,” Harm said as he pulled her close. “I’m happy you’re here.”
“Me too,” Mac agreed.

Back to Washington D.C October 2014
Harm studied his wife as they talked about the past. She looked so happy when she remembered something that had happened those first weeks of their marriage. He reached for her hand.
“So, any regrets?”
“None,” Mac leaned in and kissed him deeply. “I’m still crazy about you.”
“Good, because I’m crazy about you too.” He kissed her again. “So why are you so thoughtful?”
“Because I’ve been thinking about what I could have missed out on if I hadn’t come to you that night you proposed, if we’d fallen into old habits and you hadn’t told me how you felt.” Mac smiled warmly. “I’ve had the best nine years and five months with you.”
“I love you Sarah.” Harm caressed her cheek. “More each day.”
Mac leaned in and kissed him softly. “I love you.”

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[> That was wonderful. Really love this story. -- Beth, 07:38:44 10/07/14 Tue [1]

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[> Very nice, in depth chapter Lace, look forward to many more. -- JoyZ, 10:00:07 10/07/14 Tue [1]

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[> loved it Lace -- Bev uk, 15:11:55 10/07/14 Tue [1]

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