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Date Posted: 13:41:28 03/10/07 Sat
Author: Michael Rader - Director
Author Host/IP: pool-72-65-154-200.chrlwv.east.verizon.net /
Subject: Richwood Ramp Festival Teen and Queen Pageant's.

Richwood Ramp Festival Teen and Queen Pageant’s will be held in Richwood, “The Ramp Capitol of the World” Saturday April 14, 2007 at 7:00pm at the Richwood High School Auditorium.

The winner’s will reign over Richwood‘s Ramp Festival “Feast of the Ramson” April 21, 2007.

The Teen winner (ages 13-15) will receive a nice crown, sash, flowers, a plaque, a savings bond, a photo package, a gift basket, and a cash award.

The Queen (ages 16-21) will represent the Richwood Ramp Festival at the 2008 Miss WV Assoc. of Fairs and Festivals Pageant in Jan. 2008 and receives a Jessie Marsh Sash, BEAUTIFUL crown, flowers, a plaque, a gift basket, a luggage set, gift certificates, a savings bond, a photo package, and a cash award.

Contestants will compete in Personal Interview, Street Wear, Evening Gown, and On-Stage Interview. Teen’s entry fee is $75.00 and Queen’s entry fee is $100.00.

Awards will be given to the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Runner’s Up. Fan Favorite, Miss Congeniality, and Miss Photogenic will also be awarded.

Teen contestants must be a resident of W.V. and a U.S. citizen. She must certify to have never been married, had a marriage annulled, and/or never given birth to a child. She must be 13 years old by Jan. 1, 2008 and no older then 15 years old by Jan. 1, 2008. (7-10th grade).

Queen contestants must be a resident of W.V. and a U.S. citizen. She must certify to have never been married, had a marriage annulled, and/or never given birth to a child. She must be 16 years old by Jan. 1, 2008 and no older then 21 years old by Jan. 1, 2008.

Contact me if you are interested.
Email me: michaelrader86@hotmail.com
Phone: 304-651-4703

Applications must be postmarked by April 9, 2007. The deadline is April 9, 2007.

Michael :)

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