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Date Posted: 07:47:20 06/25/07 Mon
Author: Jacki Morgan- Pageant Director
Author Host/IP: pool-72-65-89-116.clrk.east.verizon.net /
Subject: YOU could wear the first ever Balloon Festival Teen or Queen crown!!

The Balloon Festival has been filling the skies above Morgantown with its beauty and splendor since 1984, now 23 years later we will crown our inaugural titleholders and that young lady could be YOU!

We encourage the bright and beautiful ladies of West Virginia to join us on October 6th in Morgantown at Mylan Park for the University Motors Mountaineer Balloon Festival for our Teen and Queen Pageants.

The phases of competition will include: personal interview, street wear, evening gown and on stage question.

The 2007 “Miss Balloon Festival Teen” will receive a crown, sash, flowers, cash award and a gift package that will be determined at a later date.

Our new 2007 “Miss Balloon Festival” will be awarded a crown, sash & flowers as well as an all expense paid trip to the 2008 West Virginia Association of Fairs and Festivals pageant and $500.00. The rest of the wonderful prize package is still in the development stage, and is sure to be amazing! At this date, we are trying to get a hot air balloon ride donated for our queen!

Please visit our website at: http://www.ummbf.com/
For additional information and both TEEN & QUEEN applications.

Entry fee for the Queen division is $100.00
Teen Division is $65.00
DEADLINE ~ SEPTEMBER 7th, due to newspaper and program deadlines.

We have been hard at work on this pageant and are very excited about this new adventure! The pageant staff will consist of Kim Goodwin, Dea Simpson and Jenny Goodwin and myself. We work very well together, share many laughs (perhaps TOO many!!) and will do our very best to make this new pageant a great one!

Jacki Morgan
Pageant Director
University Motors Mountaineer Balloon Festival

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