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Date Posted: 17:58:53 07/27/07 Fri
Author: Kristi Rader
Author Host/IP: AC926FF5.ipt.aol.com /
Subject: Oak Leaf Festival Pageant - Deadline July 30

The Oak Leaf Festival Committee invites you to compete for the titles of Miss Oak Leaf Festival and Miss Teen Oak Leaf Festival 2007.

The pageant will be held on Saturday, August 25th at 7:00 PM in the Oak Hill High School Auditorium, Oak Hill WV. (Just 15 minutes from Beckley and 1 hour from Charleston)
For an application or more information please go to www.missoakleaffestival.com

Miss Oak Leaf Festival Requirements:
-Must be 16 years of age by January 1, 2008 and must
not have turned 22 years of age on or before January 1, 2008
Date of Birth must be on or between 1/2/86 and 1/1/92
-Contestant must be a citizen of the United States and a legal resident of West Virginia
-Contestant must be single, not had a marriage annulled or never had a child
-Entry Fee: $50.00 (If you win another Fairs & Festivals title prior to our pageant, your entry fee will be refunded.)
-Entry Deadline: Monday, July 30, 2007

Prize Package:
-$1000.00 College Scholarship to be paid at the end of your reign
-An expense paid trip to compete in the 2008 West Virginia Association of Fairs and Festivals Pageant
-Official Crown, Banner, & Pin
-Flowers Compliments of Bessie’s Floral
-Festival Commemorative Package
-Gift Baskets
-Gift Certificate from Che’Bella Boutique
-Gift Certificate from Elizabeth Michaels
-Jewelry Set
-More to Come!

****Scholarships will also be awarded to runners up****
****Last year we awarded $4,000.00 in scholarships!****

Miss Teen Oak Leaf Festival Requirements
-Must be a citizen of the United States and a legal resident of West Virginia
-Must be single, not had a marriage annulled or never had a child
-Must be enrolled in a High School in the State of West Virginia, 9th thru 12th grade (2007-2008 term)
-Ages 13-15
-Entry Fee: $50.00
-Entry Deadline: Monday July 30, 2007

Prize Package
-Scholarship – Amount TBA
-Official Crown, Banner, & Pin
-Flowers Compliments of Bessie’s Floral
-Festival Commemorative Package
-Gift Basket
-Gift Certificate from Elizabeth Michael's

For more info email KAtha17@aol.com or call 304-228-7129

ENTRY FORMS AVAILABLE AT www.missoakleaffestival.com OR BY EMAIL AT KAtha17@aol.com

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