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Date Posted: 12:01:27 10/11/07 Thu
Author: Jenny Sullivan
Author Host/IP: dhcp-196-042.cns.ohiou.edu /
Subject: Could Be a Record Year for the Miss WV Association of Fairs & Festivals Pageant

As of today I have 84 fairs & festivals queens listed on my page with two more pageants yet to name a queen. Granted, at least three of these events (Jefferson County Fair, Mountain State Forest Festival, and WV Italian Heritage Festival) usually don't send a representative, but that would still leave a record high 83 queen contestants, and there are always some that I miss.

Remember, this is NOT an official list of the girls who will be competing in Charleston (for instance, Trorie Atkinson is representing the South Charleston Summerfest instead of Britanni Mills). I usually post an official list once we get to the pageant in Charleston and receive the official lineup. However, it does give an idea of who will probably be competing.

Thanks to those of you who've sent me names that I overlooked - I appreciate it! And if anyone sees a name that is still missing, please contact me so I can update the list.

Now that we've crowned our beautiful Miss WV Teen-USA Micha Michael and Miss WV-USA Skylene Montgomery (whom I'm proud to say is a former Miss Interstate Fair!!!), we can start to focus on the Miss WV Association of Fairs & Festivals Pageant which is only three months away from this weekend!

Best of luck to Sue and Debbie as they hold their pageants next weekend. I hope you have wonderful pageants and crown lovely queens!

And one more thing - if you are a pageant director and you know your 2008 pageant dates, go ahead and send them to me. I'll start updating the new calendar after October 20.

The website is: http://www.jennyspageantpage.com

God bless!

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