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Date Posted: 15:49:32 08/10/09 Mon
Author: Jacki Morgan~ Director
Author Host/IP: pool-72-84-32-30.clrk.east.verizon.net /
Subject: 2009 Balloon Festival pageants are back!

My head is literally “up in the clouds” at this moment! I am ecstatic to announce that the 2009 Balloon Festival AND its pageants are back after a year long hiatus!! We have decided to add children’s pageants this year at the request of many pageant parents. (You know who you are!!)

I just had my first meeting with the new sponsors today so some items are still “Up in the Air”, but many are set in stone. The date to mark on your calendars is OCTOBER 10th, 2009. Mylan Park, Morgantown, WV.

The addition of children’s pageants is not the only changes. Our sponsor this year is Mylan Park and the pageants will be held inside. (Remember the 95 degrees and dressing tents?? YIKES!)

Some things will remain unchanged. Our Queen will receive:
An all expense paid trip to the 2010 WVAFF Convention
A Hot Air Balloon Ride
$500.00 CASH
A beautiful crown
Balloon Festival Sash and Pin
And a prize package that is in the works

1st RU- $150.00 & Plaque
2nd RU- $100.00 & Plaque

Teen Queen-
A Hot Air Balloon Ride
$150.00 Cash
A beautiful crown
Balloon Festival Sash and Pin
And a prize package that is in the works

1st RU- $75.00 & Plaque
2nd RU- $50.00 & Plaque

Entry fee for Queens ~ $100.00 (16~21)
Teens ~ $65.00 (13~15)
Young Miss ~ $50.00 (11~12)
Junior Miss~ $50.00 (8~10)
Little Miss ~ $50.00 (5~7)
Tiny Miss ~ $50.00 (3~4)

Prize packages for TINY MISS thru YOUNG MISS will include a monetary prize, a beautiful crown, Balloon Festival sash and pin and a trophy.

Each TINY MISS & LITTLE MISS contestant will be awarded a tiara!

I am working on applications over the next few days so do not hesitate to contact me if you are interested. We do have the beautiful Roseanna Hale as our reigning 2007 Queen and stunning Hanna Perry (who has since moved on to BIG GIRL PAGEANTS!) as our reigning 2007 Teen Queen. However, your child could be our FIRST EVER Tiny, Little, Junior or Young Miss!

I look forward to hearing from you!

UP~UP & AWAY!!!!

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