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Date Posted: 03:01:28 09/02/14 Tue
Author: john delaney (Struggling)
Subject: Re: St Gilbert's, Hartlebury, Worcs
In reply to: P Temple 's message, "Re: St Gilbert's, Hartlebury, Worcs" on 07:56:40 07/26/12 Thu

Yes I remember your Dad, he was a good man he and several of the civilian staff were like that bit of air left at the top of the hull in a sinking ship that woul save you life regretfully for a few they couldnt swim up to it because of those EVIL BASTARDS the St Delasel monks MONKS be F..... them and their supporters. Local Police And local Councillors and so called Local Dignitaries All dirty B....... Sorry I have to say this but in reality you dDad must have known what was going on so ?>Hi My Dad was Mr Temple, does anyone remember him I
>was only 10 when the accident happened
>>Hi I was sent to St Gilbert`s in about 1960-61. It was
>>run by the De La Salle Brothers. At that time a
>>Brother Joseph was the headmaster. There were various
>>members off staff who were not in the order and
>>consequently they treated the children much better,ie
>>Jim Wittle, Brian Selby Mr Temple{sadly killed in
>>Snowdonia) Mr Hopely and, Mr Donnelly, who all lived
>>in houses along the avenue along with the
>>priest.Anyone who was there at this time knows how bad
>>this and similar places run by religious orders were.
>>>>>>>My father was at St Gilbert's Approved School,
>>>>>>>Hartlebury, Worcs in the 1940s. He remembers it
>>>>>>>run by the Christian Brothers but they deny
>>>>>>>Does anyone know how I can find out for certain
>>>>>>>ran it?
>>>>>>Hi Lesley
>>>>>>Good news. Therre are 18 'hits' at the National
>>>>>>Archives (old Public Records Office) website for
>>>>>>Gilbert's". It seems to have been based previously
>>>>>>Suffolk and to have moved to Waresley House
>>>>>>Worcs in 1944.
>>>>>>To look up relevant items, go to
>>>>>>www.nationalarchives.gov.uk then Search the
>>>>>>(far left, towards the bottom, don't know why they
>>>>>>hide it away down there!)- then just type in St
>>>>>>Gilbert's -including the apostrophe.
>>>>>>Click on the title of each item you're interested
>>>>>>then if you want even more information, click on
>>>>>>Full Details tab. However, you may find (as I
>>>>>>that many of the documents you'd like to see are
>>>>>>closed for 75 years and not available to you until
>>>>>>in this case- 2018.
>>>>>>Most, if not all, records relating to borstals and
>>>>>>approved schools are 'exempt data' under the
>>>>>>of Information Act. You can ask specifically for
>>>>>>particular records to have either their 75 yr
>>>>>>status or their FoI exemption to be 'reviewed' but
>>>>>>wouldn't hold your breath!
>>>>>>I'm writing a dissertation about historic houses
>>>>>>educ@tional use- hence my interest in Brandeston
>>>>>>House, and how I came to find your 'cri de coeur'.
>>>>>>an historic researcher by profession, I can offer
>>>>>>lots of guidance on where else to look for
>>>>>>and would be happy to do so off-forum.
>>>>>It was indeed run by the Christian Brothers up
>>>>>the late sixties when it became a state school
>>>>>following the end of Approved Schools. I was there
>>>>>the late fifties.
>>>>>I too have found it frustratingly difficult to find
>>>>>information about the Brothers or the school as it
>>>>This school was run by the De Lasale Brothers not
>>>>Christian Brothers I was there in 61-62 and I am
>>>>pleased to say they are all DEAD
>>>my name is brian barrett and i was there in st
>>>gilberts approved school in 1947 1954 and im sad to
>>>hit this brick wall as im writing my book of my life
>>>as im 70 now and have a 10 yr old son belive it or
>>>and i would like to add this cruel and horrible place
>>>in my book and its not anywere to be found can
>>>tell me if i can view these hiden records u talk of
>>>and tell me how i go about this thanks mr b barrett

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