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Subject: HBK and Debra

Triple H Shane and Austin read
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Date Posted: 15:37:07 03/15/01 Thu

Shawn Michael's and Debra No body can stop us

HBK's music plays and the commissioner of the HwF makes his way down to the ring along side of him is Austin's wife Debra. Everyone is wondering why Debra and walking down to the ring with the Heart Break Kid.

HBK: Well I guess everyone is wondering what the hell Debra is doing along side of The Heart Break Kid instead of her husband Stone Cold Steve Austin. (Fans goes wild) well its like this Austin does not have the power that HBK has Austin is nothing compared to the Heart Break Kid. But Austin is not the reason I am out here. Shane McMahon has signed the commissioners job over to me and I will make sure that I am fare here in the HwF but Shane I only have one thing to say to you and that's to stay out of my way. Now Shane now that I have your attention lets get down right to the worlds title there is one person in the HwF that deserves that title more than me and that's Triple H. Triple H has come a long way and he deserves to become champion. So Shane if I was you I would think this over cause I have a contract here for you and Triple H to sign for him to be the contender for the Worlds Title all it needs is yours and Hunters signatures

Now onto Debra..........

(Shawn leans over to Debra and they both kiss. The fans are shocked at what they are seeing.)

JR: Man when Austin sees this he is going to go on a rampage.

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