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Subject: Tisk Tisk Stone Cold

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Date Posted: 17:35:54 03/15/01 Thu

< body . bgcolor=#000000>< font . color=#FF3000>< font . ptsize=8>< font . face="Comic Sans MS"> [-Scene-]
The Crowd is going wild and then they sit down waiting for somthing to happen the lights go out and the crowd looks around quickly to see what the hell is going on and the titon tron shows a Picture of a Crow and then a Loud "CAW" is heard over the pa system and Stings music Begins To play and the crowd starts Jumping up and down Cheering as sting walks out onto the ramp Wearing his black long leather trench coat black Shirt and black leather Pants he walks down the ramp with his black base-ball bat leaning on his shoulder and He Jumps up onto the apron and Gets into the ring as the lights are flashing sting backs up as the music stops and the lights turn on the anouncer looks at sting and SMACK! sting takes out the anouncer with the baseball bat and then Lifts the mic and puts it to his mouth as He has the Anouncer by his shirt he looks at him Crazy like

Stone Cold Steve Austin You want to see Crazy You want to See Nuts!! You want to see Sombody thats out of there fuking MInd?! [-lifts up the Anouncer by his shirt and holds him there-] AUstin! this Anouncer Represents You! When it comes time for me and You to go one on one austin i am going to BReak You in half! You think yOu are the tuffist SOB? that wont matter austin when you see How Crazy I get You dont want to be in the same ring with me austin Just Admit it [-throws the anouncer down and then hits him in thel eg with the Bat-] ThaT Will be you austin! i am going to take this bat and i am going to Shove it straight up Your Ass! and then i am going to BEat you over the head with it and watch You squeal In pain and have Blood Pouring from Your skull so much Blood That You cant even Walk Nore See bEcause the blood Will Cover Your Eyes! You think i am Afraid to Bleed austin Do you really think i care if i bleed? [-takes out a nife and cuts him Self in the arm and Blood Pours from his arm-] You see that Austin! I like Blood I would like for you to Make me Bleed if you CaN Austin..You see austin You think You are some big bad Person That cant lose the "next World champion" But the fact is austin You are Not the next world champion Nor are You some big bad person You actually are a Scared little Boy That i am going to beat and beat till You cant walk anymore and then some! But i know what your thinking austin You are thinking "Hello Sting You are forgeting about kurt angle" But you see austin thats where you r wrong because i didnt forget about our little Pansy Friend Kurt angle oh NO! BEcause i am going to kick His ass to But First i am going to Kick Yours BEcause You have a big mouth Austin You think Your tuff shit but your Not i know and everyone else here knows that i can Beat You in a heart BEat the same with Angle i mean angle is even More Pathetic Then you are austin thursday Marks the end of Your career austin and as Kurt pansy Angle would say "ITS TRUE ITS TRUE" Woooo!

The lights go out and Stings music Hits over the pa system and the crowd cheers loudly the lights come back on and sting is nowhere to be seen...only a Crow on the titon tron is seen as the cameras Fade to Black...

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