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Subject: stone cold must be drunk...

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Date Posted: 21:18:57 03/16/01 Fri

Its ShowTime

A Loud "CAW!" Is heard over the pa system and the pa system shows a picture of a crow and stings music hits and sting walks out onto the ramp way With a base-ball bat in his hands He points it into the wild crowd Wearing his long black trench coat and a black shirt with a crow on it and black leather pants Sting slowly walks down the ramp and then jumps up onto the apron he ducks under the ropes and gets into the ring He Takes the mic from the anouncer and waits For his music to Cut and it stops and Sting speaks Into the mic With an evil Grin on his face

Stone cold Steve Austin Are you Drunk? Or maybe you are high my friend BEcause you think You can actually beat somebody as crazy as me? Stone cold let me ask You a question What was the last "Crazy" thing you did? i will tell You the last crazy thing you did it was bring your Pathetic ass Out here and infront of these crazy Fans Anounce that You will be Kicking my ass On thursday [laughs] I find that funny because you see austin i Am a career ender You are just a pathetic excuse for a wrestler Somebody i dont even want to be Put in the same sentence as Let alone wrestle with Because you Suck Worse then The Rock Does and the rock suckS Pretty damn Bad letme tell yah..Now listin Up stone cold the only thing that will Be happening In our match Is i am going to kick Your ass So fast it is way Beyound being Funny..I mean who do you think you are stone cold to come out here and say you are going to beat my ass? Do you even have any Clue who You are up against? I could Put you in the hospital! You could never wrestle here Again..Remember your Hurt Neck? I do! and Believe me i will Focuse on that I will Keep Hitting You in the neck over and over again till i re-hurt your NEck And i wont stop there I will pick Your ass Back up and i will Beat it right back down Just for the fun of Watching You Squeal and Watch you be in pain i want to see you Begg for your life stone cold and after i beat your ass What the hell Makes you think You deserve a world title shot? if anyone deserves A World title shot It is ME! because i am the one that is going to be Kicking Your Pathetic ass..And as for you Kurt angle you are such a Pansy you dont even have the balls to come out here and Face all these fans and talk about this match You know that You are going to Get your ass Kicked By me you know i am the best in this Federation Kurt and You also Know that i will Be easly winning this match Maybe with a scorpion Deathdrop or Deathlock wichever it is it doesnt matter I will win this match and not you or stone cold will be able to stop Me You might as well call me the "Real Fn Deal" BEcause thats what i am everything i say Is true and i am the Real Dea Everybody That comes up against me Is just another victem that i put in the hospital and the next two Idiots are Stone cold and kUrt angle Your asses Belong to sting!!! now Enough about the Two rejects of the federation lets talk about Raven Now Raven you comeo ut here talking about being tag Partners..You want to be tag partners?? Well okay sounds good to Me we can tag after i take out the trash in this federation that being you angle and Stone cold Wooo!

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