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Subject: I am back

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Date Posted: 09:48:12 03/17/01 Sat

A limo pulls in the parking lot and everyone is wondering who it is.Someone steps out and it is Chyna!O my god! The crowd goes wild while Chyna`s song comes on the titontron and she comes out whith a bazooka and shoots it to the right then left.In the ring Keven Kelly awates Chyna to go to the ring so she does. Keven has a mic and he starts to talk to Chyna.

Kelly:Why are you in the HoRdCoRe Wrestling Federation?

Chyna:To become the woman`s champ.

Kelly:Who do you think you can beat?

Chyna:I can kick anyones ass men or women.

Kelly:are you shure about that?

Chyna:Yeah I am shure because,I am the Ninth Wonder Of The World and all I have to do is give them a jackife powerbomb and they will be died.

Kelly:will you make a stable?

Chyna:If I can I will if not I will still be the Ninth Wonder Of The World.

Kelly:When do u want your first match to be?

Chyna:Well I want it to be on Raw a triple threat match with me,Tori,and Molly Holly.

Kelly:do u think u will win if you get that match on Raw is War?

Chyna:Yes I do because,I want to be friends with Molly and if she agrees we can kick Tori`s ass and if one of us wins we will be proud of eachother.

Kelly:What do you think of the women in HWF?

Chyna: I like Molly but Tori is a pain in the ass.

Kelly:Well have a good day Chyna.

Chyna:You too Kelly.
Chyna leaves with a smile on her face.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Molly HollyMolly holly11:50:21 03/17/01 Sat

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