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Subject: The real woman

Molly Holly
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Date Posted: 16:12:41 03/13/01 Tue

:: the lights flash in colors as the Holly's the hollys theme plays over the PA system. All of a sudden, Molly Holly steps up and walks down to the ring. She grabs a mic

You may not have heard of me, and let me just give you a glimpse of who I am. i am Molly Holly, one of the Holly cousins. I am tough, short, and sexy. I can kick any females ass in this federation. My goal here is to take teh Womens title here. I'll go through everyone, and anyone to get it. If you get in my way, I'll knock you down and climb over you because I want that title and I will have it around my waist if it is the last thing I do. I would like my shot at the title because I have what it takes to win it and I want it bad. So I want my title shot against the next female to step up to the plate. So if you have teh guts, I molly Holly, challenge you to a 1 on 1 hardcore Womens title match, and remember " IThis is more , than just a pretty face".

Molly drops the mic and rolls out of the ring. She walks out of the arena and the fans give her a big ovation.

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Re: The real womanTori17:53:57 03/13/01 Tue

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