}{ }{ }{ The Game
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Date Posted: 16:57:11 03/13/01 Tue

[Hardcore Wrestling Federation cameras open up for the very first time, outside the arena in Dallas, Texas. There is thick white fog outside the arena and the sreets are as almost empy. Then bright white headlights blare into the camera as a black, stretched limo goes past the camera and down into the parking lot of the arena. The camera follows the limo down into the parking lot and round the corner. For a second, the limo goes out of sight but then, as the cameraman turns the corner, the limo is there. The camera gets close to the limo and the front door opens slowly. The driver, dressed in an expensive black suit, steps out and walks alongside the limo. The driver opens the back door and somebody steps out. The camera then tilts upward and the identity of the passenger is revealed. It's the Game, Triple H. Hunter, walks to the back of the limo and the driver opens up the trunk. He gets out his bag and walking towards the door of the arena. Then the driver coughs and signals for a tip. Triple H gives him a strange look.]
[A video of the game, Triple H plays on the titantron and the lights in the arena flicker to all different colours. Some are green and some are blue. Some fans don't know if they should cheer or boo. Triple H then steps out onto the top of the ramp and the spotlight is set on him. He has a water bottle in his right hand, he stands still like a statue and concerntrates. He then raises his right arm and tips some water over his head and into his mouth. He then jolts his head up and spits out the water, shakes his head, so his hair isn't in his face and walks down the ramp slowly.]

[The fans boo loudly but Triple H doesn't seem to care about them. He takes another drink of water and throws the bottle down in the corner. Triple H steps onto the ring apron and stares into the crowd for a few seconds. He then throws his head into the air again and spits out the last bit of the water. He then turns round and steps into the ring. The fans continue to boo and Triple H walks over to the turnbuckle, climbs it and raises his arms. He climbs down and grabs the microphone off Lilian Garcia. The Game paces up and down in the ring for a few seconds and then stops to speak.]
Now i camed here for one thing and one thing only and thats to Win The World Wrestling Federation Title and Be The Most Powerfull Man In The Fed and Thats Simple I am The Game I am Triple H and Y2J On The First Ever Card I want Your Sorry ass. So Y2J you call your self the ayatolla Of Rock @ Rolla. Well Jericho Your Ass Is Going To Pay Big Time When i get My hands On You.
As Far As Austin Goes,Austin, you just keep coming back don't you. Why don't you just do yourself a favour and quit while your still walking. Because if you keep shooting your mouth off, then sooner or later i'm gonna put you down for good and i'll make sure i get the job done properly this time. I know that there is a long list of people that want to kick your ass but i am at the head of that list and Shane McMahon has given me the chance to finish you off for good on Thunder. You can bring your beers if you want but you won't be needing them because i'm the one that will be celebrating at the end of our match. You got put on the shelf for 14 months, your not even 100% fit and you come out here and pick a fight with the game. The accident must of affected the way you think because i've lost count of how many times i've kicked your ass in the past when you've been 100%. And you think that you can beat me when your not even 80%?...well your wrong.
JR~Triple H Has A Point there.
I am Almost Finished SO SHut Up. As Far As Kane Rock Austin Kurt Angle and other Assholes go i am the main target in the fed and after i win all the belts i will lead the fed to a New Era
Now Hit My Music Deamed. "Its Time To Play The Game" Hits Over The Sound System Again and }{ }{ }{ Leaves The Ring
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