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Date Posted: 22:28:21 08/19/06 Sat
Author: Mark A.
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Subject: Smile Sarah

Interesting that all these "women" who respond to Glenn's question take about 2 sentences to deny they lost their virginity when they took up smoking, and then write a book's worth about their day. They all appear to have the same style of writing, too.

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Date Posted: 14:35:09 08/19/06 Sat
In reply to: Glen 's message, "Please tell us about your smoking Saturday" on 01:03:58 08/19/06 Sat

Well I would say its not true, just because I smoke doesn't me I will sleep with anyone. I only have sleped with someone I was ina relationship with, never just took someone home at a bar. Having said that I didn't start having sex till after I had started smoking. I think that is more do to will smoking makes us more confident, and that tends to attract guys. Also smoking tends to get you more in touch with pleasure and that its ok to treat yourself to things that make you feel good, A nice cigarette, a drink or two or three and sex.

Yesterday was a great day, had a few freinds over for a BBQ and swimming. Stacey brought her boyfreind, Kim her husband David and their son Max. Steve and his wife Lisa. Lauren a new gal that works with us came but her husband din't feel like coming over. Amber teh girl down te street stopped by. I figured she was hoping to be able to smoke but felt a bit self concous. So when Stacy and I lit up i offered her one. She took it and just fit in with us. She jsut seemed to enjoy being treated as an adult. This got Kim to give he husband the ey to get his approval to have one with us, she is a "socail smoker". Of cousre as the wine and margaritas flowed so did the smoking.

Max is a freshman this year and seemd to be fascinated with Amber who is a senior this year. You could also tell he was turned on by her smoking. You could tell Amber had no intrest but was a good sport about it.

Satcey alos go Lauren to have a couple of cigs with us. SHe had tried smoking at parties in college but hadn't smoked in 10 years. She also had never inhaled. So Stacey and I expalined how great that part was and got her to try it. She couged a bit but got teh hang of it by teh end of teh evening. She was worred her husband would find out, but we figured she needed a bit of freedom and should enjoy herself.

It will be interesting if she will join us at lunch for one now.

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