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Date Posted: 22:34:19 08/19/06 Sat
Author: Mark A.
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Subject: Sexy Smokin' Susan's Speach

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Date Posted: 06:49:33 08/18/06 Fri

Morning to all. Please tell us about your smoking Friday. My sister Diane had the birthday party for her daughters yesterday. Shelli has turned 14 and Cindi will actually be 12 on Sunday. It was designed as a sort of rolling event.
Cindi's classmates were invited from 4-6, Shelli's 6-10 and family 8-10. Diane still has a day of school to teach today. I got over as soon as I could after work.
Cindi has ample friends and several of the 6th graders smoke. Getting there just after 5 noted a couple of groups with several smokers.
Cindi had to be better than most, keeping the interest of most in the actual party.
Then the older kids came mainly from volleyball and football. Not all Cindi's friends left at 6 as indicated on the invitation. About half the teens had rides but several freshmen were taken to the party by their parents. Sitting on the front porch as Shelli's group arrived were Cindi and some friends smoking.
Diane was to find that some of the holdovers would leave when their older brother or sister left. Except for a couple of neighbors and cousins, Cindi's group was 6th graders.
Shelli's group is mostly in athletics and was rather polite and not being at all obvious with their smoking.
Around 8, the crowd began to break up. Talking to one parent who picked up a child, I saw several get into cars and light up as they pulled away. Sharon, a niece and daughter of Warren and Edith, got in a car with Marc, had a cigarette and came back to the party.
Finally, the group dwindled down to family. We sang happy birthday to both. Shelli and Cindi smoked openly. Sharon keeps her smoking hidden and Karen, the former smoker, is not smoking because of sports and her bf.
Karen and Sharon are 16. Twins run in the family. My sister Jan has Summer and June. They are in the 7th grade. Diane said they blended well with the younger and older kids at the party.
Jan, my middle sister and their mother, said she was still surprised that the twins had not taken up smoking by now. Jan was the early smoker among the sisters which are me and Diane.
Good luck to Glen on his family expansion. Hello to all. Again, please tell us about your smoking Friday.

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