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Date Posted: 22:46:34 08/19/06 Sat
Author: Mark A.
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Subject: Jason Posts Without Waiting for Friday the 13th

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Date Posted: 08:00:27 08/17/06 Thu
In reply to: Susan 's message, "Please tell us about you smoking Thursday" on 05:34:24 08/17/06 Thu

Glad to hear everyone seems to be doing good that post regular to this board- I read the board often but don't seem to get time to post that much. Our niece has been staying with us this summer while her mother has been on a special work assigment since late June, this has been a joy for Susan and I. Our niece will be 16 this fall. Her mother, Susan's sister, has been ask to continue her assignment for an additional six months, at first she was hesitate to do this but after consideration and discussion with us she has decided to accept the offer. This means that our niece will be staying with us another six months- We have got her enrolled into the school system here, she was a little unsettled about all of this at firs but seems to be making the adjustmnet now. I must admit is had been different having a child around all the time over the summer but as I said we have enjoyed this very much. Our niece is a very good child, she had made straight A's at her previous school. As I have said previously she is a smoker like her mother and aunt Susan. She finally told us that she started slipping cigarettes when she was 11, we found out that she smokes last summer during a visit and she later told her mother of her habit. She and Susan really get along very well together and as I said she has caused no trouble at all for us. I have noticed that her smoking consumption has passed a pack a day this summer, she said starting back to school would be hard but she could manage. We have told her absolutely no smoking at school which she is alright with, the policy here is zero tolerance as I'm sure it is with most everywhere now. Since school started last week I do notice that she smokes several in the morning before leaving and then she smokes often in the evening. She came here smoking Merit 100's but has tried several brands over the summer including Marlboro's and her aunt Susans Winston light 100's. Right now she has seemed to settle on smoking the Marlboro Medium 100's, Susan smoked those for a time in the past and is now smoking both those and her Winston Lights. I enjoy a cigarette occasionally and do really like the Marlboro Medium's better than the Winston lights. This year should prove to be an experience for us all, dealing with school activities and homework ect ect ect. Our niece has made good friends with the son of one of my good friends and they have spent some time together as of late.
He is a real good boy and very active into sports, he does not seem to mind our niece smoking although he say's he has never smoked before. He tells her she should quit but again does not really seem to mind that she is a smoker. Just an update for those interested, keep up the great post and best wishes to everyone.

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