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Date Posted: 13:30:14 08/12/08 Tue
Author: domhnall
Subject: pretty poison

Strange things have been happening in the continent of Domhnall.

The countries of Morbourne, Fallhaven and Valcoast are all unique, and all tied together. Trades occur, merchants travel, and treaties are reviewed, signed, and broken: it is a way of life. The population is a mixed bag of humans and mages, with the rulers by line of each kingdom the latter: super powered and deadly, though for now there is peace – a stable peace, as each depends on the other as a chain of lifelines. The citizens of each country all have a soul-keeper; a bonded animal who walks on the outside but guards the inside.

Each country has three main cities; the capital, where the reigning body lives, and two other major cities that deal in trades and the like, ruled by Lords and Ladies who bend their knee to the ruling throne: though fights between them are fairly common as they struggle for more land, better resources. Along with the cities, each country has its own unique armed force: in Morbourne, it is a land of chilvalry with shining knights and heavy destriers. In Fallhaven, a unit called the Freeriders make up the light calvarly, specialising in swordplay and mounted archery, wearing little armer, on fleeter horses. In Valcoast, it is the sea that is their playground, with ships like no other and laws even more foreign.

It is Valcoast that started a chain reaction. The King was killed, and the country turned to chaos. Although Morbourne and Fallhaven have been sending envoys and mounted warriors to try and earn peace, and a spot on the court of the future King, two men think different. An old Kingsfleet captain rivals his old commander, as two factions turn to war, dragging Valcoast with it. To the victor go the spoils.



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