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Date Posted: 00:12:44 08/13/08 Wed
Author: Pern: Evolution
Subject: Um, runners shouldn't have fangs (Candidates Needed)

Month 11, Day 19, 20 AM
To say I expected to win the Queen Flight would be a lie, although Mistryth can't understand why I was surprised to wake up in the gorgeous Bortinya's weyr and bed. It was...an experience, just as accepting the role of Weyrleader is a constant experience; I still can't believe we lost H'ilo and Politeth or that we were so foolish to send our only Bronzerider and dragon out for a day of fishing. They never returned and poor Kiyemith mourned the loss of her weyrmate for days. I cannot say Bortinya felt the same way, for all that I wish I could, but I guess life gets you in tragically ironic ways: we lost her almost two months ago to childbirth, although we were able to save the brat who killed her.

I am not sure what we'll do without a Queen, but I almost wish we didn't have the eggs incubating on the sands and chaining Kiyemith to life. She does not eat and will not talk to anyone, not even that green dragon she has always been so close to. Her misery and impending death is a drag on the weyr's morale as a whole, but what else can I do? It is not as though I can keep her alive, healthy, and full--only Bortinya could do that, and she was much too sick to get through childbirth alive.

We gave the brat to Ierne Hold in exchange for some desperately needed supplies and more candidates, something we need even more than supplies, and I hope she does well there. I guess it was pure luck the Lord Holder has a son three years her senior he is hoping to match her with; I told him I expected to have her back when she is of Impressionable age and he agreed, but I can't help but think...well, no matter. What Holder is crazy enough to defy a signed agreement, especially one with a dragonrider? Ierne-M'genathril Weyr may not be large but it is growing, the eggs on the sands are testimony enough of that, and we have high hopes for the black and gold egg Kiyemith coddles. It isn't what we are used to seeing in a Gold Egg, but these days nothing is as it seems. My Mistryth has done a good job as this clutch's sire, for all that some of the smaller riders complained about an average sized Brown catching their Queen; he is worthy of her, the Gold and other large egg on the sands make that clear.

I still can't get Bortinya out of my mind--or more specifically, the daughter we threw to the wolves. She was named Remoriya in memory of her deceased parents, but I wonder if that is the name the Lord Holder will call her by. A name is just a name unless it is used and I fear for Remoriya and what that tunnelsnake of a man might be planning for her. Brat she may be, for killing the dragonrider pair who might have saved Ierne-M'genathril Weyr, but she is still of dragonfolk. It felt wrong to barter her away like a herdbeast calf or wherry chick, but what else could I do?

We needed the candidates and the supplies more than a girl who might never be anything but just that: a girl who killed her mother, a girl who killed our Queen--my Queen.

But enough of that. Nothing good ever came from lamenting about the past and there is a stack of paperwork with my name on it.

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