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Date Posted: 12:46:02 08/19/08 Tue
Subject: you got caught smoking pot? JUVIE

It was first built in 1958, originally erected to house the insane. What would come to be an eating hall, library, and living quarters was once a home to over seven hundred derranged souls. For twenty years, stafflings shoveled pills and medications down the throats of those who needed them. For twenty years, men in white cleaned up their patients' messes, took out the corpses of the uncured. Over a course of two decades, St.Mary's Insane Asylum provided jobs for the people in the town that surrounded the madhouse. The town prospered. Its population grew, over half of the citizens' occupations centered around or in the asylum.

A short-lived Golden Age.

Of all the unimaginable things to happen, state funding was cut off. No one wanted to help the helpless anymore, not even the beloved government. The patients were set loose on society, the employed forced to move away. Eventually, St.Mary's Insane Asylum was forgotten, as well as the dying town around it. As the years passed, both were left to decay with the flow of time.

Of course, in the Library of Time, every novella has its slow points.

In the early months of 1978, headlines screamed the arrival of an "idiotic" man, named Darian McCabe. It was rumored that he wanted to rebuild the condemned area. True, there were other rumors spreading about the man as well, though desires of reconstruciton were deemed more obtuse than sleeping with the mayor's whore of a spouse. By July of that year, gossiping circles were silenced. The first steps in the revival of St.Mary's had already begun.

The refurnishing procedure carried the project over into the year one thousand, seventy-nine of our dear Lord and Savior. Citizens from surrounding cities came to inspect what the product of all the commotion within the last year was. Many left astounded, others disgusted by the sickening twist of morale.

McCabe had transformed the asylum into a school, a school for delinquents, sick children.

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