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Date Posted: 17:22:03 08/22/08 Fri
Author: Watermark
Subject: "I guess he didn't have much to say. I'm here now." - realistic human rpg

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In a way, Watermark is just like any other city. It has all of the standard things you would expect to find in an American city - diversity, schools, old people, young people, children, parents, apartments, houses, parks, restaurants. But, just like every other city, it has the things that make it unique too. The very setting of the city - the way the urban center sprawls out from the Canns river on all sides only to eventually give way to cultivated crop land which, in return eventually gives way to the wilderness of the foothills - it distinguishes it from many other cities.
Or the quirky downtown area - distinctly urban and well within walking distance of the university which supplies plenty of eager young adults to both spend money and staff the various establishments. Then there's Quake, a popular bar. It's a somewhat smaller, intimate venue, yet it still manages attract some of the best bands.
After a show, you can walk a few blocks down to Tracks music store and pick up the band's album. Just make sure you're looking for the right thing, the rather musty little shop refuses to stock anything considered to be "soul-less corporate shit" by Greg, the aging hippie owner.
It's the unique composition of all these things - parks, venues, shops, restaurants - that make Watermark what it is. It's just like every other city; it's unique.

Photo Credz Here.

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