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Date Posted: 17:27:42 08/22/08 Fri
Author: Cataclysm
Subject: The Enemy Is Here - Dragonriders of Pern (Candidates Needed)

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This is the Future
An enemy had come from space. Not targeting them, not even planning on being near Pern. It was a crash landing, an accident – but the beings on the colony ships do not share well. They were destroying all of Pern, and only a small section remained in Azov Weyr. Despite attempt to fight back by creating mutant people and dragons, and despite the natural mutants born, all was for nothing. They had simply needed more time. The turns of development had taken too long, they had lost too much.

On top of that, the enemy had devised a sickness that killed dragons. The new mutant ones were immune – but the older ones were not. And the enemy had changed their plan from kill to capture of the last remaining Pernese. Halflings, half alien, half human, had grown up with extraordinary powers, and the enemy wanted more of those to raise themselves. Azov had to do something.

Time paradox – it was the only answer. They knew it would create one, they were essentially sending items back that hadn't been created yet. But they had to do it. They assigned two riders, one to go back more than twenty turns before the aliens would show up – and then another rider to appear only a few turns before the aliens appeared. While it would make sense to move the dragons back as well, they needed certain people in power, certain candidates to Impress – and most off all, the dragons would breed faster than humans. Except, most recently another batch of mutant dragons had been created. Or, the injection, the formula had been, with help of some rebel aliens. They hadn't been tried yet. But another rider took them in secret anyway. Weyrmated to the rider carrying the other batch, no one suspected that he would be joining his mate in a journey back to the past.

This is Now
Two months before the beginning of Turn 3411, two riders had appeared in the sky. With little explanation except to shove boxes into the Senior and Junior Weyrwomen's hands, both riders injected the two golds of the Weyr with something. No one is sure exactly what was in those – but the clutches the queens had soon after proved to be something new. Besides this turn of events, mutants, mutated humans that began to show about around twenty turns before this event, have come to seek sanctuary in Azov from hidebound, bigoted holders.

Azov had it's own problems - bickering, fighting Weyrwomen and riders claiming to be from the future and that aliens were soon going to invade Pern. Both riders injected the two queens with a solution and disappeared. Turns later, the Senior queen is dead, and Clera stepped up, eventually her Gold Teriameth Flown by a new color - with a female rider. The North is gone from an attack by the enemy, and months later after many skirmishes by both side... the new enemy makes it South.

Landing is gone. The Weyr has been attacked. The enmy is here.

Cataclysm - New Window


Copy and Paste: http://www.freewebs.com/cataclysmxrpg/

For the first time ever there are two clutches on the Sands, neither holding a single original color egg, and after a battle that destroyed most of the Weyr population, candidates are being Searched from all over.

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