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Date Posted: 16:22:40 09/02/08 Tue
Author: Project Chimera
Subject: new intermediate dog fantasy rpg

Project Chimera.

A secret experiment recently discarded, intended to enhance service dogs of all types and make them more capable and efficient at performing their duties. The test subjects were mostly from the herding, working, and sporting dog groups and were brought to a lab on a remote island to be altered and trained until deemed fit for work.

Initially the project went fairly smoothly as the dogs' physical and mental abilities were increased and characteristics of other animals added, but inevitably something went wrong.

They were in the middle of altering six dogs, six who had quickly grown far too powerful to be controlled. The facility promptly evacuated, and the dogs, both those experimented on and those normal, were abandoned. Soon the rest of the dogs had forced their ways out of their kennels, the majority breaking up into packs in the wilderness while a small number consisting mostly of the six who had been experimented on remained in their conquered territory.

Since then the canine population has grown; the dogs live on, if not particularly peacefully. The bond shared between them as those who had been abandoned has all but disappeared--in its place are strengthening mistrust, fear, jealousy, and hatred between the normal dogs and those of unnatural characteristics.

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