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Date Posted: 06:53:03 09/12/08 Fri
Author: ILIUS
Subject: Home to the dead, the dying, and those considered alive

Here lies Ilius, caught within the days of the Gods.
Ruled by two Immortals, a father and his son.
The winds of change have come to Ilius, and the power struggle has only just begun.

Ilius is a fun, generally active equine RPG with a unique twist. It is loosely based off of Greek mythology, and despite what the site layout might portray, it is NOT your stereotypical 'good vs evil' RPG -- both, Phlegethon and Enipeus have their lighter-hearted characters, and their darker-hearted characters (although, generally, Phlegethon is populated with darker, more malicious characters, where-as Enipeus is inclined toward kinder, more gentler characters).

There are all kinds of unique twists (mostly battle related) in Ilius, including the recent death of Enipeus's God. We are always looking for new members, so come check us out! :)

Click the button above, or copy and paste the link to find your destiny in ILIUS

If you decide to join us. Please mention that you found us using Candy's ad. Thanks!


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