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Date Posted: 07:24:21 09/15/08 Mon
Author: VS Admin
Subject: Veiled Secrets: Original Supernatural RPG

In the city of Cork, Ireland, humans share the city with a thriving supernatural community. Humans and hunters have come and gone as the vampires watched on. The Covens of witches and shapeshifter Clans have continued, changing as time passed. A vampire by the name of Finn Moriarty joined them in the last decade, making a few waves in their community as he set up his criminal empire. Many of the supernatural community eventually accepted him and his business, begrudgingly, and he too became a part of normality.

But now something new has come to Cork, intent of upsetting the apple cart for good. The shapeshifters of Cork have never seen eye to eye, with the foxes, owls and wildcats having always been natural enemies. The sister of the owl's Clan Leader has been attacked by a fox, resulting in her becoming a fox shapeshifter. As the owls look to the fox Clan for an explaination, no one is aware of the rogue foxes that have entered Cork, using the shapeshifters existing conflict to thin out the ranks of the existing fox clan ready for them to take over.

Veiled Secrets

VS is an advanced level RPG played in a yahoo group. The playable species are vampires (born and made), shapeshifters (born and made; owls, wildcats and foxes), witches and humans. Each species is unique to the RPG, taking ideas from a range of sources and resulting in a new take on the myths of the supernatural.

Plenty of characters are available to play, including the character Chloe O'Reily, the sister of the owl clan leader that has just been changed into a fox.

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