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![]() The dark taint of the stallion Aushwitz still lingered on the island, though it was buried and not easily seen. The whole island reeked of death, and the Gods knew that something was wrong: something other than the obvious. The realms of Phoenecia, Babylonia, Sentilion and Excelius had dug themselves in, refusing to relate to each other. The gathering area of Mercury Isle grew silent, tensions grew between the herds until no one ventured from their own territory. The gods looked down upon Mercury Isle with disapproving gazes. The Island had split up again, for the third time. This time it was the worst, it seemed. There was no diplomacy between the realms of Phoenecia, Babylonia, Sentilion and Excelius. Once a horse was sorted into a realm, they stayed there - holed up. They never left their new home, didn't go to the communal territories to mingle. They ceased the healthy sport of sparring. They stopped seeking favors and abilities from the gods. It was as if the Island's spirit had died along with the great king Celtic Storm. The gods knew they had to do something. Murmansk earth-god and Ebony Skies, god of fire and lightning, voted for the destruction of the island. Erenya, godess of water, called for its rebirth. Quiet Ilythia of the winds put in that they could do both - providing that no one was hurt. It was decided. Murmansk would pull the island beneath the depths of the ocean. Water would cleanse the island along with fire, lightning and wind. Through this union of elements, the island would be born again. But the details were hazy. Ebony Skies, ever the sentimentalist, argued that they should put the Island back as it once was in the days before Celtic Storm discovered it. "No," said Erenya. "They cling to old legends. It is well that they remember Celtic Storm as a great leader, but it is also time they let go of the past and turn their faces to the future." "And who will lead them?" rumbled Murmansk. "We should install someone we trust to do what we think is right. For mortals tend to grab power, or they at least wish to implement new things. We must discourage this, as it leads to what we have on the island now - stagnation." "No!" cried Ilythia. "We must encourage change, my friend! But we must be able to dictate what that change is. I have a proposition - listen. Let us create a leader. She shall represent the island itself, the union of the elements - and she will have a direct link to us. She will be of free mind, but also of our being. She will be the balance between us all - unchanging earth, flexible water, passion of fire and Lightning, mutable wind. We will put our best qualities into her - and from her, a new race of leaders will be born." Out of the new island came a mare - beautiful Laurelyndel, god-touched Queen. Upon her shoulders she bore two enormous, graceful wings with feathers that shimmered like a metallic rainbow from blue to red to green to purple, then back to blue again. But the most remarkable parts of her were her markings. Upon her forehead she bore a circlet of pure gold - a coronet to signify her nature as Chosen One of the gods. A bright white stone was set in the circlet, right in the middle of her forehead. It shone brightly with a light not from the sun, but from deep inside the crystal itself. On her left side, just below the point of her shoulder, fire flickered. Or - seemed to flicker. The representation of it on her coat was so realistic that - for a moment - one could almost believe that it was hot. On the right side of her delicate face, the mare bore a single, large dark blue teardrop. A representation of water. The sigil for air was found on her left haunch - a swirl of purple for wind. The final marking was to be found on her barrel, just behind her right elbow. This was a small picture of the jutting peaks of a mountain. The symbol of earth. Now the island is in balance, and its awakening has begun. Come, my friend. Join us as we set out once again on the journey. Whether you seek the natural life of stallions and mares in a herd, the life of a horse in a communal realm, the life of a horse in the ranks of war or peace....Mercury Isle will have a life for you. There you may live normally, or strive toward greatness by learning the magic of the land. And who knows - if you persevere, you might even find yourself living with Laurelyndel in the herd of the Master Mages.'ll never know if you don't try. Mercury Isle: Version 9 - Awakening [same window] |