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Date Posted: 18:24:32 05/05/09 Tue
Author: Kinju
Subject: v2; after the blizzard

DANGER! Condemned Zoo

v2 after the blizzard

Nothing will ever be the same. Winter was bad this year and unbearable to most of the canines. Many did not survive. Cuddled inside of their dens or in an abandoned gift shop or vending machine, keeping warm was their main goal. This blizzard could possibly have been the worst any of the dogs had seen, if not the only one they had ever encountered. A good five feet of snow had covered everything, leaving some to die under the cold blanket. The Hyena Enclosure had an erosion problem before, but now, with the still-melting snow, the disastrous outcome could be fatal to the inhabitants. The other enclosures suffered some damage. The openings to the dens that had held trapped canines captive are now freeing their prisoners. The commons are slowly gainingback its "wild-life". Everyone and everything is rekindling. Now, after the blizzard, many are having to restart their lives, find new homes, and find the terrible truth of their loved ones fates. This is life after the blizzard.

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