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Subject: .In a blaze of sunlight.

Cheyenne Horizon
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Date Posted: 14:20:25 09/23/01 Sun

.Out of the golden rays steps a well-defined stallion. He towers over you, his very size drawing all attention to him. His sleek, snow-white coat is almost too bright to look at. You must focus your eyes just to the side of him. But still you can plainly see the taught muscles moving underneath the velvet, moving gently along with proud stepping legs. Stallion's shapely head dips slightly atop his proud, arched neck. He looks at you and you gasp. It is a good gasp, however. You look into beautiful, mystifying misty blue eyes. They invite you to come closer. He speaks.

.I am Cheyenne Horizon. I am pleased that I have come upon this land, and I wonder or not whether to make it my home. I believe my answer is 'yes'. I have come on a journey. A search more of a journey, and I believe that search has ended. I will rest now, hoping to find a home among my type. I pray that I will be happy here, though I dare say I need not pray for that.

.Cheyenne Horizon.
.Unkown Age.
.An Indefinable White.
.This stallion is not at all ordinary. He has many many magical abilties, more than any horse or human, for that matter, could ever count, for it is impossible. His misty blue eyes are his main magical tools.
.He has an interesting story to him, and if you befriend him, perhaps you will learn.

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A beautiful golden mare approchesSierran03:08:04 09/25/01 Tue

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