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Subject: ... Wild Raven ...

Serenity Prayer
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Date Posted: 07:54:22 10/07/01 Sun

+From the shadows appears a single figure wrapped in a blanket of ebon. Hooves strike at the earth without force, sharp knives simply sinking into soft textured earth. Following the path of limbs from hoof to barrel, one's eye may come to rest upon the entering femme, coat sheeted in pure ebon. Oculars do not differ from the darkness upon her, deep black holes with only a hint of light radiating show the nothingness that is within. Mane cascades upon crested neck as a char-coal waterfall, shimmering only slightly in the moonlight. All senses are directed at the meadow just below the hill upon which she stood, sensing every equine, every canine, every creature that crossed her path. Devious smile unfolds across her lips. Now would begin vixen's quest... either to find a soul who she could torture with ease, or... the quest to find some peace to calm the raging fires that burned within her+

Name: Serenity Prayer
Gender: Of the fairer sex
Age: 5 Years Old
Color: Of the darkest ebon
Statues: Free, not looking, has killed 7 horses in her time, mostly stallions, only the bravest of the brave dare challenge the fire within and attempt to win her steel heart.

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~*~ Auburn Maiden ~*~~* Angelic Dream *~13:26:30 10/09/01 Tue

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