Kursty|Sweet Temptation
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Date Posted: 20:07:01 05/29/02 Wed
In reply to:
's message, "[]I don't think so[]" on 17:38:53 05/29/02 Wed
Kursty returns to the pastures once again, ready to go on the trail ride with Danny. Her blue oculi scan o'oer the surroundings in thought, looking for Danny on his filly. she spots them and rushes o'er.
"use some help, could ya?"
She un-ties her laso, swinging it above her mares head, getting her used to it. She tosses the rope forth, watching as it misses the wild filly. she shakes her head, as she dallies it back up, then swings once again, throwing a little harder, but smoothly, this time. She watches as it rings around the fillies neck, and she pulls out the slack, attempting to back her filly up.
-Sweet Temptation-
Filly spooks at fairly new object swinging quickly above her cranium, she rears and hops 'round a bit, emitting a high pitched whicker (scream). She tosses her head, and backs on commandment.
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