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Date Posted: 14:57:18 08/24/09 Mon
Author: Joan
Subject: Be Not Afraid

During the night I had what appeared to be a continuous dream. While several times I wake up for a few seconds I seemed to fall asleep and find myself in the same dream I had before waking up.

What stands out in this dream was whether in a large van or bus I passed this large piece of land that seemed to be covered in mud but what was very evident was that there were bodies lying there, masses of them, all covered in mud. Think I had traveled this area several times and the bodies remained there. But this last time, in the very late or early morning hours, I could see some of the bodies begin to move! I wondered if these were actors and had been set there for some movie or film! Didn't think much more about it until later. While watching the news I saw that these muddy bodies or corpses were killing people! It seemed they liked to kill people only in the early morning hours when people were unaware or off guard. I was almost afraid to go to sleep that night knowing these things were very strong, breaking down doors and walls. Nothing kept them away or stopped them from their goal of killing.

There was this man, dressed in white, who told me that it was ok to go to sleep but that I had to wake early before they began their killing rampage. He told me that I needed not to fear them for it was fear that gave them strength. I had to have confidence that God would protect me and that very confidence, trust in Him, would be my shield. I shared that with others who were with me though I wondered how we could walk in this faith as I could feel the fear rising in me and I had to seek the Lord's help to fight it off.

Woke early that morning and I knew these things were in our town. You could hear the cries of people. Don't know if it was broadcast on tv or if I could see this taking place outside my window but there were hordes of these creatures killing people in their path. But almost from out of nowhere this man dressed in white comes on the scene and he walks up to one of these things, grabs them by the neck with one hand and without any struggle the creature falls to the ground as if dead. The man in white continued to do this but it seemed that he could not get to them all fast enough. But it surely showed me that I needed to be bold as he was and have no fear.

Then some time passes and the man in white is in our room. Others with me were getting frightened for they knew the creatures were drawing closer. The man in white said to not be afraid. Fear is what gave these creatures their power. Even with those words said, these things began ascending the steps to our home. The man in white stood at the door and as one would draw close, he just reached out his arm and placed it around the things neck and the thing fell down, powerless. Watching him do this a new boldness and calm began to fill my heart, it wasn't perfect yet but it was growing stronger. Others around me could sense the changed atmosphere in our home and soon these creatures began to back away, leaving our home. I knew I had to tell others how to protect themselves from these creatures and shortly after that I woke up.

I believe this dream to be rather self-explainantory. To me the muddy bodies or creatures was satan and his demons. And the fact that I couldn't tell if they were real or actors is how the enemy will often disguise himself and we often lose sight of the fact that he is a threat and we need pay attention to that - not overly so but enough so we don't get caught by him unaware.

The main message of this dream is that there is an enemy out there but his strength doesn't come by what he can do as much as it comes through our own fear and the enemy works off of that fear, growing stronger and stronger. We as the body of Christ are called to be believers in Him that God sent, Jesus Christ. And we are to believe that through Him we are more than conquerors. Fear is the opposite of faith. When fear grips us is when our faith is not there, when we are not trusting God at His Word. No matter what might come our way, if we trust that God will see us through then the enemy cannot harm us. With all the things that are taking place in the world, things in our own country, the opportunity to put our faith into action is before us. Rather than being frightened by the decline around us we should seek God to find out what He would have us do in this hour. God always provides a way when there seems to be no way, if we believe Him to do so.

What creature, what thing is coming after you in this hour? Please, dear one, do not allow it to rob you of your peace nor of your trust in what Jesus accomplished upon the cross and with His resurrection. We are now sons and daughters of the Most High God. We do not need to walk in fear but rather we need to walk in a boldness and a faith that God is Who He says He is and that He will do that which He said He would do. Stir up the Spirit that is within you and be bold in Christ Jesus! Live James 4:7, "Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you." Put your confidence in Him Who loves you and be not afraid.

Seeking Him more and more,

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