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Date Posted: 12:25:30 01/01/10 Fri
Author: Joan
Subject: Prophetic Word for 2010


This past week the Holy Spirit began speaking to me through my husband’s illness. In 2003 the brain tumor that had remained dormant for thirteen years reappeared, this time being more aggressive than before. From 2003 until Billy’s passing in June of ‘09 he had three surgeries and many bouts of chemo treatment sessions. These past six years have been difficult ones with 2009 being the hardest for Billy lost the battle with cancer and while he did not receive his healing this side of heaven, he is now whole and walking with his Lord. Glory to God!

What the Holy Spirit was impressing upon me was the “six” year span from 2003 to 2009 and how we are now entering 2010 - the seventh year, if you will. And He related this to the six days God created the heavens and the earth and how the seventh day He rested.

The Lord further showed me to check the biblical meanings of "3" and "7". What I found to be quite interesting is that when I went to look up the meaning of the numbers in “Numbers in Scripture” by E.W.Bullinger it was as if he had written page 107 of his book ‘for such a time as this.’ Oh, how the Lord likes to blow us away, showing how He truly has prepared our path for us. For not only is the number “Three” noted on this page but so is “seven” and “ten.” Not only that, it goes on to the number “twelve”, but a little more on that number after commenting on the first three.

According to Bullinger:
Three denotes divine perfection;
Seven denotes spiritual perfection;
Ten denotes ordinal perfection (and more on twelve later - my comment here)

As we enter into 2010 the Lord wants us aware that we are entering a time of divine, spiritual and ordinal perfection. This year will be different than past years as we come to a greater understanding of what God has been working in the hearts of His people and for what purpose.

Divine Perfection
This year will be a greater unleashing of the awareness of divine perfection, of Who our
God is - Divinely Perfect! Many of the questions people have about God and of His character will be answered and the hearts of those who draw near to Him will be astounded at His love, mercy and goodness.

For multitudes, His Word will open up to them in a profound way. Great revelation will be poured out to them in this hour and they will be amazed to “see” God in such a wondrous way, to know His plans from the beginning of time. All of a sudden God and His Word will no longer be Greek to them (pun intended) but living and real, understandable and incredible! His Divine Perfection will humble them and His Amazing Love will make them hunger all the more for Him. To understand Him as Father and to know that He has a good plan for them will bring forth healing and wholeness like never before.

Spiritual Perfection
"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away: behold, all things are become new" (II Corinthians 5:17).

Not only will this year bring a greater knowing of God’s Divine nature, but it will also bring to God’s people, old and young, a greater knowing of our spiritual perfection in Christ Jesus! When we accept Him as our Lord we become a new creature. While we have been aware that we are a new creature in Christ, this year will shed even more light on this truth. No longer do we have to walk by the ways of the flesh but even more than this, we will find ourselves tapping into the strength and power of His Spirit within us, becoming no longer a slave to the flesh and sin but true overcomers through Him. We are going to see such a maturity taking place within the body of Christ that soon it will not be hard to separate His people from the rest of the world. Glory!!!

As we recognize that sin no longer has a hold on us, for greater is He that is in us than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4), we will become more aware of the spiritual battle that is taking place upon the world! We will recognize that the enemy has been trying to kill, steal and destroy mankind since the beginning of time. While we know of wars and rumors of war taking place all around the world, suddenly we will understand that the true battle started long ago in the spirit realm and what manifests in the natural is because of that spiritual battle. And since we are new creatures in Christ Jesus our battle becomes one where we fight not with things made of hands but our weapon of warfare is spiritual. We are to pick of the two-edge sword, the sword of Truth and commence forth. The greatest battle any believe has takes place in the mind. Our minds become inundated with the cares and concerns of this world and costless numbers of saints have become victims of the great father of all lies and give up before walking in the victory that is meant to be their through Christ Jesus. But a new day is dawning and the Son is arisin’ in the hearts - and minds - of God’s people! Jesus Christ is the Living Word and He is Truth and He is within us, hallelujah! This year we will understand more and more the need to know the Written Word, placing it within our minds as our mode of warfare and we will need (and we will want) to know Him, the Living Word and Risen King!

Ordinal Perfection
Not being an expert in the history of the church, what I share now will be from a layman’s perspective and there is no doubt where others can share on this with greater expertise and ability. But what I am understanding this “ordinal perfection” to be is that God has all in place upon the earth that is needed to complete His will here to equip His saints. What I am hearing in my spirit is “It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, (Ephesians 4:11),” and over the course of church history that has been done upon the earth, the latest being apostles and prophets. All is in place, all has been revealed so that Ephesians 4:12-13 (“to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.”) could be completed. All is in order, all is available to become mature sons and daughters of our most high God that we might bring the fullness and wholeness of Christ upon the earth. Now there’s a reason to celebrate! Glory to God on the highest! The whole creation has been groaning, in labor pains for such a time as this. Why? Romans 8:19-21 tells us, “For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.” Sin upon the earth has even brought the land, the animals, etc. under bondage of corruption. But as we rise up as the children of God we are called to be, walking in the authority and power God has given us through Christ Jesus, many signs, miracles and wonders will take place upon the earth. But even greater than this will be the restoration of God’s people returning back to Him like the prodigal son who had wandered off in selfishness. The waiting arms of our heavenly Father are stretched out for the lost and prodigals to come back to Him and to be fully restored back in relationship with Him and to their spiritual calling upon the earth. Praise be to God!!!

Building Upon the Foundation
These past few years have been years of "building the foundation" and that is why last year He spoke to me (in 2009's prophetic word), to build upon previous years. During these past few years the Lord has been building a foundation. In 2010 we will find that we are building upon that which has been established by our personal and corporate walk with the Lord. This "7th" year is a year of rest it does not mean that we will not be "doing". We will still be busy in building the Kingdom of God upon earth as it is in heaven. What we will find in 2010 is that our labor will be much more easier than in years past because the most important thing, the foundation, has been laid, and now we will build upon that. Those who had a part in building the foundation know the struggles and difficult times that were required to get this accomplished. For some, it cost them their very lives. Others are grateful the past years are just that - past for they have been draining ones and they know that without the Lord's help they never would have made it through. And even others will step into the building of the Lord's kingdom upon the earth and will not know how costly it was to set the foundation for they had no part in it but are now building upon that which have cost others dearly.

And as we faithfully do that which the Lord is setting upon us, I believe we will find ourselves in 2012 in a place we have never been before. As I mentioned, the number “12” was along with the other numbers the Lord has been speaking to me about this year. Twelve denotes governmental perfection. For far too long the church has been scattered amongst varies denominations, theology, etc., etc. Scripture tells us that a house divided against itself cannot stand (Mark 3:25). Believers are the house of God. We are the body of Christ. But when we become divided over our beliefs then our strength and affect upon the earth to bring His kingdom come upon it is weakened. It is time to rise up, to become one in Christ. No denomination has all the Truth. We still know in part. One denomination is strong in one area. Another in yet another area. But we all make up the many parts that make up the whole, that make up the body of Christ. Let us lay down our differences and come together in unity of Christ Jesus, the one that binds us all together. Now is the hour to build the bridges over the divisions the world and enemy has caused and let us walk together as brothers and sisters in Christ to the glory of our heavenly Father. Unity in Christ is the call of the hour. As we become united in Christ, one body, then, and then alone, will be see Christ Jesus head over all. I am being reminded of Colossians 3:12-14, “Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection.“ When we are born again of God’s seed through Christ Jesus we become sons and daughters of our heavenly Father, whether we’re Baptist, Catholic, Protestant, Lutheran, etc,. etc. Those are names of differing theologies. They are not names given us by our heavenly Father or our Lord. I might be of Polish and Italian descent where you might be Scottish and/or English descent but the common thread between us is that we are both/all human beings. That is in the natural. In the spiritual realm, when we are believers in Jesus Christ and though we might be Baptist or Lutherans we all have a common thread - the blood of Christ is in our veins, so to speak and we are all sons and daughters of the most High God. We must see this truth and act upon it, walking in love and respect one towards another. Colossians 3 is a great chapter to read and meditate upon, asking the Holy Spirit to give you greater understand so that we might live the life God has called us to, being one man, one body in Christ. Let it be so, in Jesus’ name I pray.

2010: Daddy, Do It Again
There have been two great awakenings that have happened upon our shores, times when God’s presence so touched the hearts and lives of people that they cried out, repenting of their sins and being drawn closer to Him. For the past several years prayers have been going up asking Daddy God to “Do it again.” We might think that we have to pursue God for this to happen, but the truth is, He has been pursing us to desire for it to happen! He has been striving to align our hearts with His since we were created. But more times than not, when we become comfortable with life as it is, we take for granted our blessings that come from above and start to become self focused rather than focusing upon Him. As time go on more wolves enter our circle of influence and begin influencing us. Sin begins to grow in our lives and darkness surrounds us and because His Light in us is hidden, we do not see as we should. Then comes a time when we recognize that we are in a mess and we begin to cry out for God’s help once again. And God in His goodness and mercy responds in a powerful way. I believe we have reached such a time as that, when we are crying out to Him. Some are still slumbering but as the darkness increases even more, their need for the One True God will become known to them and their voices will be added to the multitudes already seeking Him. It is my prayer that we will come to recognize just how wonderful God is and we will turn to Him not out of need but out of an unending love and appreciation of Who He is and a knowing He is deserving of all our worship, praise, obedience and love.

Yes, Daddy, God, we pray that You will touch this earth with another Great Awakening. One that will far reaching and unity building for Your sons and daughters around the world. May Christ in us be visible to all that come near to Your people and may You be glorified through them, in Jesus’ name I pray.

He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands But Our Future is in Our Hands
God desires that no man should perish. He sent His only Begotten Son, Christ Jesus, to be the propitiation of our sin. No one need perish. But the choice remains in the hand of each individual. We can choose eternal damnation which is our just reward for sin in our life or we can choose Christ Jesus as our Lord who paid the price for our sin. It’s as simple as making a choice and seeking His help ‘to sin no more.’ God’s plans will come to pass but we must ask ourselves if we are going to be found in His plans. If we don’t do what He has called us to do He will find another who will. That is why I think we have not seen the fulfillment of God’s plans manifested upon the earth in the dimension and proportion that He desires it to be fulfilled because we are not rising to the occasion and submitting our lives to Him as we should.

God lives in a realm where time does not exist while we are very conscious of time. When Jesus said that the kingdom of God was at hand, He was not talking about a time frame. Like His heavenly Father He saw things through the eyes of God. Jesus was teaching us about the Kingdom of God. I love the words of Jesus in Mark 1:15, ‘and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”’ Well, from that time until now, He is still giving people an opportunity for people to believe in the gospel!!! The kingdom of God is available to us but we must believe it is so. We must understand that God has called us to be partakers and joint-heirs with Christ. If we don’t believe this then we either won’t see it in our lifetime or be a part of making it come to pass.

God sees the complete fulfillment in the realm in which He exists - a place without time. While we might wonder why God has not brought certain things to pass, He is patiently waiting for us to do our part! We must come to the place where we see things from God’s perspective. Just as Abraham did not see the fulfillment of the promises given Him by God, it did come to pass through his descendants because of Abraham’s faithfulness to God. I believe that Abraham had part in laying down the foundation of God’s plans through obedience and that same kingdom building foundation can be a part of our lives if we seek His will and do it. Since Billy’s passing this truth has become more real to me. There was many things I know my husband was called to do. When cancer took his life, I wondered about the unfulfilled promises given to him and to me. The Holy Spirit has helped me to understand that what God planted in Billy did not die with him. Because of Billy’s faithfulness and not losing faith in our heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, that seed has now been given to me and to our children and to their children and it will continue until it is fulfilled. It could be in my lifetime or in my children’s lifetime. Then again, it could come to pass in their children’s lifetime. The point isn’t so much in when it happens as it is in having faith that it will happen and striving towards that end. Oh, how I pray the understanding to what is trying to be expressed here is revealed to you by His Spirit. The church has to rise up and come to an understanding of who they are in Christ Jesus and come to know what they are called to do for His purposes. If we can see beyond ourselves and are obedient to what God is asking of us, then we can literally change the world for His glory. Again, it might not happen in our lifetime but our obedience will have an affect now and in the future. God has given us authority upon the earth. We are to have dominion upon the earth, taking back that which the enemy has stolen by walking in obedience to Him who has called us for such a time as this.

Please don’t wait for others to do what God has called you to do. If we all do our part then we will see the power of God working upon the earth like never before. We are in position for a wondrous move of God thanks to the obedience and faithfulness of saints who have gone on before us. Divine, spiritual and ordinal perfection is aligning up in this coming year like never before. We can be a part of the governmental perfection that is before us. This literally rests in our hands. Will you, will I, have a part in bringing this to pass upon the earth as it is in heaven? I pray that we will.

Desiring His Kingdom Come on Earth as it is in Heaven,
Joan Bowe

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