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Date Posted: 14:19:56 08/15/01 Wed
In reply to: CelestialDiamond 's message, "**She snarls back, ready to burst** (Please read, important)" on 13:23:14 08/15/01 Wed

OOC: Alright, I take offense to that. IceStorm has been at Midnight Wolves for over a year (Since July 2000), when it first opened. She's gone through two mates and has had a litter of pups (2 males, Canyon and White PAws and a female, Blizzard). I think the Site Owners are just making five packs, anyways. And love at first sight seems to be happening a lot at my RPG, Swift Wolves where Darsilla suddenly, not even knowing him, falls inlove with Dark Angel. Such a surpirse that Dark Angel is the alpha of a pack and of the darkwolves. Funny how 'love at first sight' seems to only happen with alphas, no? You don't want to mess with me, for one Kazan is a good friend of mine (On the net *smiles at Windsong (AKA Kazan)*)

IceStorm stood back up and walked over to CelestialDiamond. iceStorm was fully trained in everything. She snarled at CelestialDiamond.

"You shoull watch what you say. You have no clue what's even going on around here, nor do you know anything about or Kazan. You have a lot of nerve to jsut walk in here, ask to be his mate then because you were shot down I have to listen to your life story."

"You don't even know what has happened in my life or Kazan's. Love at First Sight is just an illusion. How do you know you love him when you havn't met him?"

"If you do this to all those who stand up to you then i pitty them."

She rolled her eyes. CelestialDiamond had no idea who IceStorm was. (OOC: IceStorm never said her name, how does she know IceStorm's name?)

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**Smirks**CelestialDiamond13:42:58 08/16/01 Thu

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