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Date Posted: Fri, Jan 06 2006, 21:32:37
Author: Valhalla
Subject: Resurrection Ship, or Off with a Bang!

Laura Roslyn kicks ass! Damn, I want to be her when I grow up. "You've got to kill her" indeed. I love how Roslyn just took Cain's condescension in, like she really was the wimp Cain was implying, then just turns around and slaps Adama up the head with what he has to do.

She could kick Gina Davis' Commander in Chief butt any day.

I think Cain choose Starbuck to be her CAG because she (incorrectly) thinks Starbuck's just like her. Do you think Cain pulled similar Blackbird-like stunts when she was coming up the ranks?

She was trying to seduce Starbuck with promises of action and destruction, as she tried to seduce Adama with the same earlier. Remember how admiringly Adama looked at Cain in Pegasus when he realized that she had gotten to do what he wanted to, but Roslyn talked him out of, go after the Cylons full-bore? And before Cain sprung the crew-integration scheme on him, she was showing him the Mystery Ship pics and trying to pique his interest. Now I guess Adama gets to see what would have happened if he hadn't listened. But Cain's mistaken Starbucks' frak-the-rules attitude for her own megalomaniacal despotism.

If Starbuck does off Cain, does that count as being fragged by her own troops? ;)

So how do folks think this will play out? Will Adama survive and Cain die because he'll have the foresight to prepare his deck personnel against the attack? Or because Cain's XO won't give the order? Or will Cain have second thoughts? I think Cain's XO will

Religionwatch: Six refers to the uploaded consciousness thing as to "be reborn." More consciousness = soul theme. Now I'm even more curious whether the Cylons belief in God preceded the ability to upload consciousness or the ability to upload consciousness caused the belief in a one-God-with-afterlife religion.

"We have met the enemy, and he is us." Trivia – this is from the Walt Kelly comic strip, Pogo, about McCarthyism. So many "us" enemies – Starbuck is now Cain's enemy, Cain is humanity's enemy, and Gina is the Cylon's enemy

Point of info: Have Gaius and Six had sex since the initial nuclear attack?

Some thing confirmed:
-- Cylon consciousness only gets transferred at death
-- There are distances too far for consciousness to get transferred
(or did we know both of these already?)

One thing I thought was funny – I didn't have any conversations about what the Cylon mystery ship actually was – seems like the human drama was so much more enticing to discuss. Did I just miss out on them? Were there any predictions on what it would be? Who got it?

I'm hoping the Pegasus' deck chief guy, the one who was on the Cilla (sp?) gets to play a part in Cain's demise.

No Gaeta!

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