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Date Posted: 17:46:08 01/25/06 Wed
Author: Dean Frembling
Subject: Celebrity look-a-likes

I have too many moments to possibly share or should I say divulge? In any case, one our favorite games to play at Pirates was Celebrity Look-a-likes. Over the years we've seen many such as Marilyn Monroe, Buddy Hackett, Cher, & Alice Cooper. On one occasion I was at Rear Unload, Kimmi at Front and our manager Kacie has just arrived through the exit. Kimmi motions to pick up the ride phone. I answer and hear her say, "Bette Davis row one". I look up and here comes this 90 year old rickety woman in big sunglasses inching her way towards the boat. Well I lost it. I started laughing so hard no sound was coming out. The guests are staring and Kimmi is waiting for me give the enable for dispatch with a smirk on her face. I was laughing to hard to grip the button and couldn't send the boats. Kacie had to come over and enable for me. I was chuckling for hours that day.
Kimmi I'm sorry it had to end this way but wait for me in the next life, we've still got a lot of people to make fun of.

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