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Date Posted: 20:58:30 01/26/06 Thu
Subject: Happy Birthday

It seems like a million years ago, now. I used to train horses in what is now called Menifee. Kim would come out every Friday and Saturday (her two days off) and stay with my boyfried and me.

One of our favorite things to do when we went to a restaurant was tell the waiter or waitress that it was somebody's birthday (when it wasn't). We thought it was a great way to get a free dessert, not to mention a great way to embarrass the "birthday" girl or boy.

It just so happened that one Friday evening we went to dinner with the couple who owned the ranch we worked at. Gene, the husband always reminded me of Frank Burns on the TV show Mash. We were supposed to discuss our plans to either stay at their place or move on to somewhere else. We considered this very serious business. But then again, we had Kim along. Sure enough, right in the middle of some deep negotiating, here comes the Birthday cake and a large group of singing waiters and waitresses. Now the question was, "Who's birthday was it?"

Well leave it to Kim, it was Gene's Birthday. And know one was more surprised than Gene himself. What an icebreaker Kimmie!

I was so lucky to spend so many years having her as my friend. She spent countless holidays with my family at my Mom's house. We considered her a family member. We all called her "Butthead" after the commercials that tried to get people to quit smoking with the slogan, "Don't be a Butthead." Of course she liked that we called her that and she will forever be referred to as Kim Butthead (at least in my family). And we will all miss you dearly, you old Butthead.

By the way? Are any of you aware of Kim's specialty? This is a family website so I will go no further. But those of you her knew her well will know what I mean.
Kimmie, I hope you will be able to perform your "specailty" as often as you like.

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