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Date Posted: 20:33:26 01/12/06 Thu
Author: Jackie Korteland Boller
Subject: Kimmie: An Original...

Although it's been awhile since I worked at Disneyland and saw Kimmie, I so miss her right now. Memories are coming back so vividly as I read them here...I'm laughing and crying at the same time.

Kimmie was the only one at Disneyland I knew who could get away with chewing gum at the turnstile. Now, you KNOW she was not discreet...she snap that gum like a rubber band, and guests and supervisors alike paid no mind as far as I could see...I was totally amazed since if I did that...well, you know, I'd be caught!

And the comments she made...oh my goodness...a cute guy would come up the line..."Oh, oh, oh!! I'm about to cream my PANTS!" This was at Pirates and the people in the front row of the second boat had clear ear shot of these comments and more when we'd meet in the middle by the lost and found box to chat. Mostly, she would chat, and I'd be doubled over in laughter. Sometimes I'd be in disbelief how funny this gal was.

I did do ONE practical joke on her for the above comment. I was the one who stuck a panty liner pad to her timecard and totally destroyed it...well, rather, Kimmie destroyed it as she tried to pry this thing off her timecard and ripped the thing to shreds. Kimmie was rather peeved and completely convinced that Elaine had done this evil deed...not one for hiding my feelings too well, I had a difficult time maintaining myself as Kimmie laid into Elaine inside that tiny Pirate office..."Oh, you did SO do it!!!" She didn't suspect me since usually I'm not the type to do practical jokes, but this one I just HAD to do...I vaguely remember Kimmie finding out it was me...I think she said something like, "Oh, Jack, you didn't really do it, did you??" I think she was puzzled that it really WAS me...

I think Kimmie made me feel very special by calling me "Jack." Never had a nickname before and haven't since, but I so loved it when she greeted me "Hey, Jack!" "How ya doin', Jack!" "Jack...you BOX!!!"

Kimmie, make 'em laugh upstairs!!! We'll sure miss you down here, though!



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