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Date Posted: 22:50:46 01/12/06 Thu
Author: Beth Weber Rayburn
Subject: No B.S. allowed

Seeing Ian's post about the reception that any call-sick to Kimmie recieved made me laugh. Jerry Whitfield's movie "O:2" got close to capturing that Kimmie attitude. Personally, I like people who don't BS around - you always know where you stand with them.

I started thinking of one afternoon in Pirates, when we were hanging out in the tower. I was actually on the position, and we were having another round of "make fun of the celebrity guest," in this case Corbin Bernson (from L.A. Law), moreso than his wife Amanda Pays (Max Headroom). Amanda looked absolutely stunning without make-up, even in a t-shirt and shorts, along with her cute little hat. Kimmie commented that Corbin looked like a homeless guy - he was wearing torn up, cut off sweatpants and a ratty t-shirt, and frankly, had more of a gut than I'd noticed on t.v. After a 15 minute Kimmie commentary on Corbin's bedraggled state (and bald spot) as their party progressed through the ride system, we watched them re-emerge from the boat on the dock and she turned, gave me one of her signature looks and said in a thoroughly disgusted voice, "I tell ya, it's all make up and lighting!"

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