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Date Posted: 01:13:09 01/12/06 Thu
Author: Lori Kimbrell
Subject: Pirates will never be as fun now!

Where to begin????
The first day I worked on Pirates, (back in 85 or 86) Kimmi was hard on me and didn't let up for a year...the beginning of a friendship that I will never forget! I don't know what it was, but one day Kimmi was nice to me. I was shocked. You see, Kimmi put forth a tough exterior, (and let's face it, working at Disneyland that's not a bad idea) But once you were accepted by Kimmi you knew you had arrived.
God I will miss her!
She could group a boat better then anyone. I remember she loved to group tour groups in the old 5 row boats. 30 people in a boat! And fat people in row 5! What a masterful grouper! When she was working Pirates I knew it would be a fun day!
I remember, one day during summer, we had 4 lines out the door. I was at unload waiting for some people to get in the boat...they were taking their time. The Horseshoe had backed up...the upramp had stopped. And Kimmi was up in the tower. Suddenly I realize that I hear the "waiting tune" from Jeopardy. Kimmi was doing the tune into the PA mic for the loading area. It was the funniest thing! The guests were clueless but we on the dock laughed. She loved that PA mic!
Kimmi will be missed.

I heard that she did a wonderful deadpan spiel for the Storybook Canal Boats. I would have loved to have seen it.

Kimmi took over scheduling from me, (I was a lousy scheduler) And she seemed to find her fit. Her unique character is just what that job needed. She keep the area running great.

From a personal view I believe that Kimmi was a caring person behind her gruff exterior. Once you got to know her, you could catch her doing acts of kindness all the time. But you better not say anything!
As a Lead, I loved to have Kimmi on my crew. I didn't have to worry about her, She was a professional and she took pride in what she did. Sure she would B#^&h and complain but she still did her job.

I knew her for a relatively short time, (14 or so years) but each time I saw her she would smile and say, "Hey Lor".

In 1998 I left Disneyland. But I would go back 3 or 4 times a year. I would ask if Kimmi was working, if she was I would try to say hi to her. Once I went to City Hall and left a Guest Complement for her. Don't know if she ever got it.
The last time I saw her, her Cancer was in remission. She was outside Pirates in her costume. We hugged. Talked abit, laughed and then she had to go back into the ride.
I am going to miss her. New Orleans Square will not be the same, it will seem abit emptier now.
Huggs and Kisses Kimmi,
Love ya!

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