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Date Posted: 01:20:16 01/12/06 Thu
Subject: Good Bye Kimmi

I just got the news today from Rich Johnson. I had heard that she was doing better and would be coming back to work. It is still just a shock. Elaine, Steve Schwartz and I were probably the last of the old-timers to work with her. When you work at a place for so many years and with a few of these people for so many of these years they become part of your extended family. I'm sure I feel like many of you that worked with Kimmi for many years...a family member has passed away before their time.
"Don't ya just love people?!?". "Gotta go now!" I can hear her now. Sound familiar doesn't it. So many quotes over so many years. We all have our favorites. I can remember when she was the area scheduler and calling in sick when she would answer the phone. It was like getting the 3rd degree. It was more painful than being sick. I always hoped I would get the answering machine. But, that was Kimmi and you still loved her. She was always honest and straight forward. You knew when she didn't approve of something and she joked better than anyone around. She was a real person and a real pleasure to work with. I have some pictures of her at Pirates that I will try to get out to anyone that wants one.
It will not seem the same going back to work anymore. Kimmi, you will be missed.

Ian MacKenzie

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