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Date Posted: 07:08:13 01/16/06 Mon
Author: Dave Schoenwetter
Subject: Pirate Wench: Disney Princess

Remebering Kimmi...

To her Attraction Manager, "I'm off Fridays and Saturdays. Got it?"

To anyone in the office who'd listen, "OK, where the hell are the ride keys! I'm off for two fricken days and the whole thing falls apart!?!".

To Adventure 1, "You better get over here and turn on these stupid machines [FastPass] because I'm sure not. Shoulda never put 'em in anyway"

To other Cast Members and random Managers, "Oh what do you want (insert explictive here)".

To Cast Members while a Scheduler, "I know you're not scheduled today, that's why I'm letting you choose when to work your full eight".

She piloted the roll-out of CDS even though she didn't agree with it.

She coached Cast Members in private ("let's go out back for a minute") and praised them in front of the crew.

She ran a thousand magical resets and countless safe evacuations that can only come with many years on an Attraction.

She accepted help one time - to learn more about her cancer.

She cried with me, and held my hand, as I went thru mine.

A Pirate Wench on the outside.
A true Princess on the inside.

Dave Schoenwetter

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