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Date Posted: 16:26:03 01/14/06 Sat
Author: Ralf Woebken
Subject: Queefer

Of the many things that bite about growing old, the toughest has got to be surviving your close friends. I've gotten over my delusions of immortality ages ago but somehow hoped that you would've been blessed with more time. Now you have the last laugh. The rest of us will continue to age while you remain one who will perpetually stay only fifty. I will always remember you in that lovely, green gown last summer and how I got to see more of you in one hospital visit than I had in over twenty years of trying. Now we won't be able to rag on you anymore for not having your bridesmaid gown altered prior to our wedding (you box). I will not forget you, with the ever-present binkie dangling from your lips, while captaining our Lake Mead houseboat and yelling "ramming speed" whenever we were docking. You never did explain how you got that license plate name past the DMV censors? Please say "hi" to Jim Shutler, Mike Schwartz, Christopher Alopari, Chuck Abbott and all our other friends and keep a light on for the rest of us.


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