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Date Posted: 04:31:20 07/03/11 Sun
Author: Rick
Subject: Favorite FG serials dialogue

Take your picks from any of the serials and spell them out here!

Rick :)

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[> Re: Favorite FG serials dialogue -- Officer Torch, 10:50:02 07/05/11 Tue [1]

Gonna "wing it" here for now...there are likely omissions, and dialogue may be brief, paraphrased, not chronilogical.

Commander Rick and Sergeant Tim..feel free to add some.

'36 Serial
-Early on, Zarkov suggests to Ming, why destroy the earth, why not conquer it. Ming thinks awhile, then agrees..why not!?

-FG tells Kala to his face that he's a weakling, a coward.

-Ming asks why the 13th gong in the wedding ceremony did not sound.

-Ming visits Vultan's sky city and when the two first meet some words are exchanged re banquet, Ming not dining with unruly subjects, Vultan tells Ming to check his situation, his surroundings and talk things over.

-Vultan's attempt to cheer Dale up with his shadow puppet show is hilarious. Huh! Orso's of interest also.

-Flashes kills the Tigron alone and bare handed also says he came just in time. Dale fell when attacked, doesn't have a scratch on her and her dress is still clean!

-Ming tells his guards to "lock up this babbling idiot" in speaking of the High Priest.

-The High Priest gives FG and friends a pretty convincing story that Ming is dead when he went thru doors of fire dragon.

-Aura is instructed by priest how to keep FG sleeping as he is transported thru fire dragons abode. This is strong betrayal part. Aura is frequently told by priest that fire dragon won't wake up...but High Priest wakes 'em with gong.

1938 Mars
-Zarkov gives speech to audience re aliens and Mongo.

-In space flight, Zarkov says he's made a terrible mistake in that beam of light is coming from Mars, not Mongo. Hmm.

-No dialogue, but speaks for itself....Clay men silently laugh when shot with a gun.

-Strange one. Azura sends a couple turns a couple of men to clay...and they say it's certain death. Hmmm....how can claymen die?

-Enjoy part in Forest Kingdom where Toran questions Hapgood re camera and is warned by his guard to be careful, so as not to share the same fate as the dwarf people (unseen in serial)who may go inside camera.

-Barin tells of his vial of amphitron, and of its power to eat thru objects...he had this vial in his pocket and fell head first onto the floor in the Death Cell...guess this is a pretty rugged vial!

-Barin appears to fall down on his knees as Ming drags FG thru door behind throne...this after Ming makes his speech that he'll return as the Martians conqueror since they rejected him as his leader.

-Ming's madness shows through his rant with Tarnak as he plans to up the power of the nitron lamp to destroy the earth and possibly Mars. This sends Tarnak running off and he tells FG.

-Jenda, the mad scientist is introduced...and he goes into his thing about the man of low intellect vs the opposite with his new improved death dust, and the demo he will perform for Ming in a chamber. In a fight later, Ming says he'll release the death dust and kill them all.

-Earlier, Zarkov gave a half second spray on face of men headed to Frigia to counteract the extreme cold...he said something prior to application, but that quick burst just didn't jive, to me.

-Think it may have been this serial where Zarkov praises Dale as though an MIT or Princeton plus graduate where she has become so valuable in so many different fields it seems...he mentioned this somewhere.

-Ming tells his man...Are you going to obey?

-Zarkov talks Rock Talk to the Rock King.

-"Bah", says Sonja to Flash as she is imprisoned in an Arborian jail cell and wishes to speak to FG alone.

-Capt Torch shows up (disguise??!!)as an Arborian guard in Barin's radio room, is shot, slowly runs away and Barin's man says something feeble, but does not give chase to slow moving Torch. His disguise was not too well matched for a man of his stature.

-Ming at the end has compassion for his staff??telling them to run for their lives before the solarite laden rocketship hits the control tower room they are in.

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