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Date Posted: 09:27:42 07/05/11 Tue
Author: Officer Torch
Subject: Re: How many FG DVDs do you have in your collection?
In reply to: Rick 's message, "How many FG DVDs do you have in your collection?" on 01:47:35 07/03/11 Sun

Not all that much, still have one each FG/BR serial from VHS days, also Rocketship movie, but several were prerecorded at speeds slower than SP, and maybe from sub par sources....tracking woes, no prize pix/sound. They've also deteriorated further with time.

For dvds, I've a couple Image trilogy sets, a couple loosies out to relatives "on loan" a long time(slim return chance). Have a trilogy from UK (so-so, and a #2 region player needed) and some budget CTU discs from bargain stores. Low quality evident in many cheapies. Image brand though was good, and some years back, their 3pk was most reasonably priced!

Storage can limit things. I don't consider what I have a collection ..its moreso to watch, and leaner nowadays. "Stuff" serves as backup/cross reference to me and fulfills some curiousities. One can easily go overboard with dvds. They're everywhere, checkouts, dollar stores, on line, hardware stores. Then when you've an accumulation, and not much room, the format changes. Aargh.

A big sore point: my FG/BR "stuff" is NOT subtitled or cc. This becomes a problem if hearing deteriorates, and/or language options can help. Many desire captioning, and our population is aging. Hope next maker of FG dvds will take note. I've seen cds downrated due to lack of captioning. I got stuck a few times on false ads or "errors" also.

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